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What You Need to Know: Democrats’ Socialist Spending Spree

Every aspect of workers’, students’, and job creators’ lives are threatened by the Democrats’ hyper-partisan, reckless spending spree. Parading as an investment, this bill will bankrupt future generations to pay for unnecessary, duplicative, and ineffective proposals that prop up liberal special interests on the backs of hard-working taxpayers.

Here is what you need to know about the egregious education and labor provisions in Biden’s socialist spending spree:  

Education Provisions:

Early Education
  • Subsidizes wealthy families’ child care. Democrats are spending over $400 billion to provide child care to wealthy families.
  • Obstructs faith-based child care providers equal access to funding. This money helps ensure facilities are safe.
  • Places onerous requirements on child care providers, such as mandatory pay requirements.
  • Gives the Biden administration the authority to approve early education standards.
Higher Education
  • Forces hardworking taxpayers to pay the tuition of illegal immigrants. Expands eligibility for Pell Grants, student loans, federal work-study, and other student aid programs to illegal immigrants. 
  • Fails to address the student debt crisis. This bill irresponsibly increases student aid without any accountability from colleges for ballooning costs and dismal student outcomes.
  • Limits opportunities for veterans, minority, and low-income students simply because of the institution selected by those students.
  • Provides billions to subsidize specific institutions beyond what is already provided in current law. 
Workforce Development
  • Heaps money on a failed workforce development system. Without making any necessary reforms to address our nation’s growing skills gap, this bill adds more than $20 billion to the current system’s bloated and failed bureaucracy.
  • Ignores innovative job preparation models. Instead of bolstering successful industry-led apprenticeships, the bill throws money at Democrat pet projects, such as a 1500 percent increase in funding for AmeriCorps, of which $6 billion is earmarked to fulfill the Progressives' Green New Deal agenda.
Child Nutrition
  • Creates a slush fund for partisan pet projects. Rather than helping schools and families deal with Biden’s inflation crisis and rising food costs, Democrats want to fund the Secretary of Agriculture’s agenda.
  • Focuses on subsidizing wealthy families rather than needed reforms to the law. In a post-pandemic world, it is critical that Congress address the underlying reforms necessary to improve the school meal programs.
  • Threatens unborn children. By failing to include pro-life protections, the bill would allow nearly $1 billion in federal funds to flow to abortions through the Department of Labor's Job Corps program and the Department of Health and Human Services' Pregnancy Assistance Fund.
Labor Provisions:
  • Wastes $2.6 billion on government bureaucrats. This colossal taxpayer-funded largess, allocated to the Department of Labor’s enforcement agencies, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, is in addition to funding provided through the regular appropriations process and the Democrat’s so-called American Rescue Plan adopted earlier this year.
  • Enacts dangerous PRO Union Bosses Act provisions. The bill authorizes NLRB civil monetary penalties on employers and holds directors and corporate officers personally liable for alleged NLRB workplace violations. Unions are exempted from these unprecedented and overly punitive fines.
  • Puts a target on job creators’ backs. OSHA penalties will be increased by 512 percent across the board, and Fair Labor Standards Act penalties will be hiked by 900 percent. These outrageously inflated fines will harm small businesses and embolden government inspectors to harass job creators, who will be hesitant or unable to afford to contest these huge citations.
  • Decimates Employer Sponsored Health Insurance: Business owners will be coerced to stop offering health coverage, forcing workers into Obamacare exchanges and costing the taxpayers thousands of dollars more per enrollee.
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