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School Choice is about Providing More Opportunities for Students to Excel

Parents want what’s best for their children, and many know that isn’t always the public school they are zoned for. Students should have the opportunity to attend a school that meets their needs, whether that be at a different traditional public school, a public charter school, a private school, or home school. No child should be held back by their ZIP code. A good education is too important to leave to chance.

Students do not come in a one-size-fits-all box; what works for one student won’t necessarily work for another. Some schools specialize in the performing arts, while others excel at science and math. Students with interest in these fields should have the option to attend these schools regardless of where they live.

For various reasons, many K-12 schools are getting rid of advanced programs and classes for gifted students. This is undoubtedly disappointing to students who deserve a greater academic challenge. When gifted students are left stagnant and neglected, they can lose interest in education or lash out. These students should not be left to suffer; it is not right to require these students to stay in programs below their learning level when they could be attending schools that are ready to meet their needs. Allowing students to attend schools that better match their needs and interests increases student engagement and thus student success.

A study done by the CATO Institute found that school choice can drastically increase the happiness and the mental health of students. For example, the study consistently found a decline in suicides for 15–19-year-olds in states that adopted charter school laws. The researchers hypothesize that allowing parents to pick the best learning environment for their child’s success increases that child’s overall happiness.

Anyone who truly cares about giving students the best education possible should support school choice. We can’t expect students to meet their full potential if they are in a school or learning environment that does not meet their needs. 

For the good of all students, we should expand education opportunities, not limit them. It is time for our country to embrace an education system based on freedom and choice, not chance.

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