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Five Reasons Obamacare is a Failure

Twelve years ago, Democrats unloaded the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, onto the American people. Since then, the costs of health care and insurance have skyrocketed. Here are five reasons why Obamacare has been an utter failure:

1. Obamacare has increased the cost of health care and health insurance. The ACA’s federal mandates and spending, including Medicaid expansion and subsidized individual plans, have drastically increased the cost of health care and health insurance.

2. Obamacare increases Americans’ reliance on the federal government. …Democrats are attempting to… increase workers’ reliance on the federal government by moving them to exchange plans with higher deductibles, lower actuarial value, and narrower networks. 

3. On a per person basis, Obamacare is far more expensive than anticipated for taxpayers. Employer-sponsored insurance provides better coverage and a better bargain for taxpayers compared to government-run health care programs.

4. Obamacare’s “expansion” is due in large part to improper Medicaid enrollments. In 2020, improper Medicaid payments totaled $86 billion, an increase of 21.4 percent. Most of these improper payments were due to eligibility errors. According to Dr. Blase, anywhere from 2.3 million to 3.3. million people are on Medicaid who do not actually qualify. 

5. Obamacare is one step closer to socialized health care. Democrats are chipping away at our free-market health care system inch by inch. 

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