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The Video Democrats Don't Want You to Watch

During today’s subcommittee hearing, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) wanted to share a video clip showing a union supporter harassing a woman. Democrats said the video was too offensive for a committee hearing. Foxx remarked that if the content was too offensive for a Congressional hearing, then clearly it was inappropriate for the workplace.

Workplace harassment is unacceptable. Yet Democrats have become so beholden to Big Labor that they are elevating a bully for his inappropriate behavior. Participating in labor activity should not provide cover for harassment of any kind.

In 2020, Amazon fired Gerald Bryson, an employee at one of its Staten Island facilities, for making vulgar and offensive remarks to a female employee through a bullhorn. A video of the altercation shows the man lobbing inappropriate, sexually charged slurs against his female coworker.

His conduct likely qualifies as sexual harassment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, but the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) sought a court order that would require Amazon to reinstate Mr. Bryson. Last week, an NLRB administrative law judge ordered Bryson’s reinstatement with back pay.

Here's the video clip Democrats don’t want you to watch:

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