Foxx Reacts to Biden’s Disastrous Federal Student Loan Regulations
July 6, 2022
Today, Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC), issued the following statement blasting the Biden administration’s proposed regulations regarding federal student loans:
“Only this administration could find a way to justify adding at least $85 billion to the tax burden of hardworking Americans while they are already being crushed by Democrats’ inflation crisis and reckless spending. “The Biden administration’s proposed regulations on student loans are yet another example of why we need a complete overhaul of the Higher Education Act. Allotting lawmakers and stakeholders only 30 days to review 750 pages of regulations with massive significance for students and taxpayers is shameful. “These proposals not only fail to fix the structural problems in our higher education system that have led to endless borrowing and ballooning college costs, but will make them exponentially worse.” ### |