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The NEA Shoves Students, Teachers, and Education Aside to Promote a Radical Agenda

Last week, members of America’s largest teachers union, the National Education Association (NEA), met to discuss their priorities for the upcoming year. Unsurprisingly, the NEA spent its time pushing for a slew of radical progressive policies instead of focusing on the needs of students.

Whereas the NEA should have focused on addressing learning loss exacerbated by school shutdowns, the organization’s agenda instead included votes in support of imposing national mask and vaccine mandates. It also pushed to impose more “racial equity” education in classrooms, which is often code for Critical Race Theory.

The NEA also proposed a resolution that would change the language in contracts to replace “maternity leave” with “parental leave” and “mother” with “birthing parent.”

Additionally, NEA delegates announced their idea to create a “climate justice” task force.

Perhaps least germane to the NEA’s stated mission were votes to denounce the Supreme Court for overturning Roe v. Wade and in support of packing the court, abolishing the Senate filibuster, and impeaching the “three Trump appointed Justices.”

Lastly, the NEA considered a resolution meant to stack the deck in local school board elections to combat parental influence. Evidently, the NEA thinks parental concerns are “right-wing attacks.”

The NEA fails to understand that schools are not political incubators. Educators should be more concerned with teaching students fundamental building blocks than with shoveling leftist policies down the throats of students.

The NEA has clearly lost its way. Its top priorities are no longer students, teachers, or even education—it’s just a front for left-wing progressives.

Its time for teachers, who care about educating students, to leave this sham organization and focus on what they were hired to do—teach. 
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