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Radical Interest Groups Have Biden in their Pocket

The nation is headed in the wrong direction under the Biden administration, and it doesn’t take much digging to figure out why. This administration was caught red-handed crafting policies at the behest of far-left interest groups. The further left this administration moves, the further we stray from a free and fair society.

So, which groups are running the show at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? 

To start, the Biden administration’s recent proposal to alter the definition of sex to include gender identity under Title IX was virtually identical to guidance pushed by Governing for Impact (GFI), a far-left think tank. The administration’s policy change immediately followed the release of a GFI legal memo requesting the change. Title IX isn’t the only area in which GRI has played a role in shaping the administration’s policy: internal memos within the organization bragged that the Biden administration implemented 20 of their radical agenda items.

This revelation follows reports that leftist lobbying groups are directly influencing higher education policy. The progressive group Debt Collective provided the Biden administration a playbook for extreme student loan forgiveness and gutting career-focused schools.

The administration is completely disregarding the track record of successful student outcomes at for-profit colleges as it tries to shutter them. In the United States, for-profit institutions are responsible for educating more than half of truck drivers and 44 percent of all nurses of color. Closing these institutions of higher education will exacerbate the worker shortage and widen the skills gap into a chasm. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Biden administration demonstrated how susceptible it was to left-wing influence. A report uncovered that Biden’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention allowed the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) to conduct “line-by-line edits" of COVID-19-related school reopening guidance. The health and wellbeing of our students wasn’t entrusted to scientific experts, as Democrats claimed, but to self-interested union bosses—and our children are suffering the consequences. 

It’s time for the Biden administration to get its act together and put the good of the American people ahead of the interests of progressive activists. 

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