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Democrats’ Inflation Bill Stymies Medical Innovation and Increases the Cost of Health Care

Democrats’ reconciliation bill implements socialist price-setting controls on prescription drugs and expands spending on Obamacare. These inflationary subsidies are a threat to employer-sponsored insurance and will ultimately raise the price of health care. H.R. 5376, or the Inflation Expansion Act, moves our country closer to a socialist health care system.
Drug price controls are a known barrier to medical innovation. Democrats have once again chosen to use the heavy hand of government to handicap America’s manufacturing competitiveness within the global marketplace. By kneecapping drug manufacturers with arbitrary price controls, the American people will be left with fewer choices and fewer life-saving cures.
As soon as the government criminalizes profit, the incentive for companies to innovate disappears. Yet, Democrats insist on ignoring the predictable consequences of their actions. Price controls also set a dangerous precedent. If the federal government has the authority to dictate the cost of prescription drugs, for what other products will it attempt to set prices?
Allowing the government to set the price of drugs through sham negotiations flies in the face of the free market. American manufacturers and innovators don’t need Washington dictating their every move. After all, the more the government gets involved in health care, the more expensive it becomes.
This bill also allows Democrats to expand Obamacare further by siphoning Americans from employer-sponsored coverage.
More often than not, Obamacare plans have narrower networks, less comprehensive coverage, and even less actuarial value than insurance offered by employers. Pushing more Americans off their current plans and onto Obamacare exchanges is a mistake.  
Employer-sponsored insurance has been the bedrock of our health care system for decades. Even though the vast majority of the 155 million Americans with employer sponsored insurance are satisfied with their plans, Democrats are doing everything in their power to undermine it.
Democrats are pushing our country towards a socialist health care system. This will ultimately lead to higher prices and fewer options for American patients. This bill is a major mistake that will hurt Americans, especially those in need of new cures.
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