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Brazen Union Favoritism at the NLRB

Federal law already protects private-sector employees’ right to form a union, but the Biden administration believes that’s not enough. Instead, the administration is attempting to bypass Congress and implement the unpopular PRO Act’s policies through executive fiat. Taken together, these policies would force workers to pay union dues against their will, expose workers to intimidation and coercion, and strip workers of secret-ballot protections.

Despite the blatant pro-union bias exhibited by the Biden administration, it is not the role of federal agencies to tilt the playing field in favor of labor unions. Congress established the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) to resolve impartially questions concerning whether or not employees wish to be represented by a union and ensure the National Labor Relations Act is enforced in a fair and neutral manner.

Far from carrying out the agency’s duties in an unbiased manner, NLRB officials are being accused of colluding with union agents to rig elections in favor of labor unions.

These troubling allegations came to light in a complaint, which is supported by a career NLRB employee whistleblower, filed by Starbucks with the NLRB. The complaint alleges personnel at the NLRB have engaged in systemic misconduct with the purpose of tipping the scales in favor of Workers United, an SEIU affiliate, in its campaign to organize Starbucks stores.

Starbucks alleges that NLRB officials engaged in the following misconduct:

  • Coordinated with agents of Workers United to arrange for unobserved, in-person voting in NLRB offices during NLRB-ordered mail-ballot elections;
  • Provided these union agents confidential, non-public, real-time information regarding specific vote counts, which enabled Workers United to target and influence employees who had not yet voted;
  • Collaborated with Workers United agents to cover up these actions; and,
  • Collaborated with Workers United to increase the number of votes cast in favor of the union and affect the outcome of elections.
House Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) is taking these allegations seriously and sent a letter to the NLRB Inspector General requesting an immediate investigation into allegations that NLRB officials improperly handled union elections.

This alleged misconduct by NLRB officials risks undermining the credibility and legitimacy of the agency, and it must be investigated.

Congress established the NLRB to act as an impartial and neutral agency in union elections. Republican Leader Foxx is committed to verifying that union elections are conducted properly. To ensure the NLRB treats employees, employers, and unions fairly, she will conduct the needed oversight to hold the Biden administration accountable.
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