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WATCH: Education And Labor Committee Republican Leader Foxx Discuss Student Loans At AEI

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 13, 2022
Today at 4 p.m. ET, House Education and Labor Committee Republican Leader Virginia Foxx (R-NC) will sit down with the American Enterprise Institute to discuss the Biden administration’s radical student loan debt scheme and present a conservative vision for postsecondary education in America.

Foxx will tackle topics including:
  • How can we rein in degree inflation and rising college costs?
  • What is being done about the administration’s illegal actions?
  • How will Republicans hold institutions of higher education accountable so students can be sure their degree is worth the money they spend?
  • How will targeted relief, such as capping ballooning student loan interest, help borrowers?
  • How are Republicans reforming programs to strengthen our workforce and expand access to alternative credentials and reskilling?
Watch the discussion live here.
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