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Chairwoman Foxx Speaks at National School Choice Week Rally

Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) spoke at the National School Choice Week Rally in Washington, D.C. to highlight the importance of education freedom.

Excerpts of Chairman Foxx’s remarks:
“We need a system that cares more about the interests of students than preserving its own power and control. 
“I know all of you students here today are grateful that you can choose where you go to school. It’s time to give more students that same choice!
“And it can’t be said enough: our country was founded on freedom. Freedom made the United States of America the greatest nation in the world.

“It is time to apply our most fundamental principle—freedom—to our most fundamental system—education.
“I have never been more optimistic about educational freedom than I am today. Traditional government-run schools have lost over a million students in the past three years. School closures brought the classroom into the home, and parents finally saw what their students were learning—and were rightly horrified.
“Since then, enrollment at private Christian schools is up 35 percent, charter school enrollment is up by 7 percent, and homeschooling enrollment has doubled. Education freedom is on the rise.

“We’ve had more than 200 years of demonstrating that freedom and choice are not just possible and preferable: they are essential. And now we must reinvigorate our commitment to these Founding principles—particularly when it comes to education.

“Our children need a solid foundation. So, let's provide them with the best one we have: freedom.”

Watch the full video here.

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