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ICYMI: Foxx Speaks Out to Protect Women’s Sports

Yesterday, on National Girls and Women in Sports Day, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) joined House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and a panel of House Republicans to highlight the importance of protecting Title IX against the Left’s attacks on the landmark legislation. The panel was moderated by Riley Gaines, a 12-time National Collegiate Athletics Association All-American swimmer who spoke out against the erosion of women’s sports after competing against Lia Thomas, a biological male swimmer.
In Case You Missed It, House Republicans are taking a stand to celebrate the accomplishments of female athletes and uphold the integrity of women’s sports.

When asked about her passion for protecting women’s sports, Chairwoman Foxx responded: “It’s important for women to have the same opportunities that men have throughout our culture. I’ve fought for women’s rights all my life and, while I’m not an athlete, I have a granddaughter who was on a track team and she’s a thrower… I think it’s important that women and girls compete against girls and women, and that biological men compete against biological men.”
When asked about the importance of Rep. Greg Steube’s Protection of Women and Girls in Sports ActChairwoman Foxx said: “[W]hat it says is that no school will be able to allow a biological male to compete in a woman’s sport and take a woman off of the roster. So, there is a caveat there, but it is definitely keeping the biological sexes separate when it comes to sports. So, anybody that is receiving federal dollars cannot violate this aspect of Title IX. …I am so sorry Greg Steube couldn’t be here… but we’re grateful for his leadership on this issue.”

When asked about what more needs to be done to protect women’s sports, Chairwoman Foxx replied: “Stay on top of the issues, contact your Member of Congress, be relentless, organize other people to contact your Member of Congress… The majority of people don’t pay attention to what we’re doing up here, which is fine in some cases, but we need them to be aware and to understand a little more in-depth what this means to women, how much the scholarships being taken away matters, how much the inability to participate in sports will matter to a large number of women and girls. And you can do that. Everybody can do something, and that’s what I tell people.”
Watch the full event here.
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