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Foxx Blasts DOL For Putting Up Roadblocks to Oversight Inquiries

Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) sent a letter to U.S. Department of Labor Secretary Marty Walsh to demand accountability from the Department on its failure to respond to several Committee inquiries.

In the letter, Foxx writes: “I write to express my deep dissatisfaction with what I can only interpret as your agency’s attempt to frustrate the Committee on Education and the Workforce’s authority to conduct oversight on the Department of Labor (DOL) and demand accountability.”

Foxx continues: “On January 12, I wrote to you requesting information from DOL regarding three inquiries from the 117th Congress that you completely ignored and another six inquiries that did not receive complete answers. … This letter provided you with the Committee’s instructions to be followed when responding to oversight requests. My letter further requested that DOL provide its plans for responding to each inquiry—not necessarily the final responses to each inquiry—by January 27. … DOL’s January 27 letter was utterly disrespectful, demonstrated bad faith, and was a waste of time.”

Foxx concludes: “During the last Congress, DOL attempted to evade Committee Republicans’ oversight inquiries. That will no longer be the case. It is my duty to conduct oversight and demand accountability. You should expect to hear from me often regarding the matters I wrote about on January 12 as well as about other important items during this Congress. Please be prepared to provide complete and on-time responses on all inquiries coming from the Committee.”

Read the full letter here.


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