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Foxx Pushes Back Against Biden’s WIC Rule, Calls For Greater Flexibilities

Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) sent a letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture expressing concerns with the agency’s proposed changes to the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program packages that limit families from accessing flexible and nutritious food options.
In the letter, Foxx writes: “Although the proposed changes to the WIC food packages include some improvements to existing regulations, they also contain several concerning provisions. … The WIC program needs to be flexible to accomplish its goal: helping participants obtain vital nutrients.”
Foxx continues: “The International Dairy Foods Association estimates the proposal will reduce the amount of dairy by up to six quarts per month for pregnant participants and other participants, such as children or postpartum participants. They also estimate that up to 20 percent of participants may drop out of the program with these cuts. … Another concern is that the proposed changes limit access to a variety of forms of fruits and vegetables. … The program should not inhibit access to such food but rather should emphasize flexibility for consumers, not Washington’s priorities.”
Foxx concludes: “The proposed changes will all have significant costs for families and taxpayers without clear benefits. Regulations should not increase costs to taxpayers or participants to satisfy the whims of Washington. I encourage the agency to rethink cuts to nourishing and well-liked foods that participants are willing to consume.”
Read the full letter here.
Background: On November 17, 2022, USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service published a proposed rule to revise the current WIC Food Packages.

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