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Foxx on Biden Nominating Su to Head DOL

Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement after President Biden nominated Julie Su, Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor, to replace departing Secretary Marty Walsh:

“If confirmed as the new Secretary of Labor, Ms. Su can be expected to push more of the same policies that have hurt our nation’s workforce which is beset by a skills gap, overzealous union bosses, and draconian pandemic policies. During his time at DOL, Secretary Walsh bent over backwards to appease union bosses who sought to push far-left policies and restrict the freedoms of workers and employers. Sadly, I don’t expect Su to change course.

“As California’s Secretary of Labor, she oversaw an agency which was ill-prepared for processing COVID-related Unemployment Insurance benefits—leading to more than $32 billion in taxpayer money going to fraudsters. Ms. Su has also supported problematic public policies that have only magnified the supply chain crisis in the United States. For example, California bill AB-5, which implemented a statewide ‘ABC test’ that severely restricted the ability of many types of independent workers to continue doing the work they wanted, in the way they wanted. Our economy does not need more of the same harmful policies on a national scale. Americans need real leadership that will put the interests of workers first and strengthen our economy. Ms. Su’s track record does not inspire confidence.”

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