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WATCH: @EdWorkforceCmte Defend Parents’ Role in Their Children’s Education

WASHINGTON – This week, on the re-introduction of the Parents Bill of Rights Act, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) joined House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), a panel of Committee Republicans, and concerned parents to discuss how this bill gives power back to parents and reinforces their role in the decision-making process when it comes to their children’s education.
In Case You Missed It, Nicole Solas, a mother from Rhode Island who was sued by the teachers union for simply asking questions about her child’s curriculum, shared her story. She asked Chairwoman Foxx about the Parents Bill of Rights Act’s common-sense principle, which states parents have a right to be heard.


When asked about how this bill will ensure schools are responsive to parents about their children’s education, Chairwoman Foxx responded: “I was on a school board for 12 years, and I actually saw during my time on the school board a group of ten parents could change the minds of school boards. That has changed … because of the power of the union bosses primarily who want to keep the control of the schools. … Our freedom goes away when these bureaucracies and these petty tyrants stand up to tell you what you cannot do and then sue you to intimidate you. You have a rock to stand on, and that’s the Constitution. What the Parents Bill of Rights is doing is reiterating to people in this country that we believe in the Constitution and we’re upholding your rights as parents and students.”

Watch the full event HERE.


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