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Americans Agree: Protect Equality in Women’s Sports

WASHINGTON – A recent poll from the Washington Post found that 60 percent of Americans believe that—at all levels—boys and men should not be allowed to compete in girls’ and women’s sports. However, the Biden administration proposed changes to Title IX last month that would limit athletic opportunities for women and girls by allowing males identifying as women to compete in school sports.

In Case You Missed It, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) sat down with Campus Reform to discuss the impact of the Biden administration’s new interpretation of Title IX and how legislation like the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act will protect female athletes from Biden’s radical regulatory scheme.

Proposed changes 'obviously' violate the 'key' point of Title IX: protecting women – Dr. Virginia Foxx explains
By Gabrielle M. Etzel
May 2, 2023
In an exclusive interview with Campus Reform, Chairwoman of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, Dr. Virginia Foxx, said that the push to include biological males in women’s sports violates the spirit of Title IX and the spirit of equality under the law.

The Biden Administration announced in April a proposed change to the language of Title IX requiring schools to allow students at all levels to participate in sports based on their gender identity as opposed to biological sex.

But Foxx contends that such changes “obviously” violate the spirit of Title IX, which was to protect legal equality for biological women.
“I have always wanted women to be treated equally under the law,” Foxx said.

Foxx, who started her career as an academic administrator when Title IX first took effect, explained that although the law applies to all sex-based discrimination and harassment, female-only sports were a significant factor in its creation.
“Since Title IX was enacted [51] years ago, female participation in sports [has] increased 1057% at the high school level and 614% at the post-secondary level, so it's obvious Title IX worked,” Foxx explained.

“We cannot destroy the family. We cannot destroy essential roles [about] who we are as male and female. It's truly puzzling in many ways to most people as to why the Democrats emphasize these things, but I see it and I think many others see it as a way to tear down our culture altogether.”
Read the full interview here.
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