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Press Releases

The Pro-Union NLRB’s New Rule is Un-American, Chips Away at Workers’ Rights

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement on the National Labor Relations Board’s (NLRB) new framework for union representation proceedings that strips employees of the right to secret-ballot elections:
“The Board’s decision to establish a pro-union framework for representation elections is un-American. Every worker in America should be free to decide his or her own future. The NLRB’s decision today flips the script on that ideal by giving unions a clear advantage in unionization efforts and preventing employees from having their voices heard via secret-ballot elections. Make no mistake, this decision is not about fairness or integrity as the NLRB claims. It’s a concerted effort to chip away at workers’ rights and force every worker in America into a union.”
“Biden’s NLRB is doing the bidding of Big Labor, making union bosses more powerful and less accountable to workers, and increasing the risk of union corruption. So much for its mission of safeguarding employees’ rights.”

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