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Foxx, Kiley to Su: Withdraw Your Proposed Overtime Rule

WASHINGTON – House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) and Workforce Protections Subcommittee Chair Kevin Kiley (R-CA) submitted a comment letter to Department of Labor (DOL) Acting Secretary Julie Su urging the Department to withdraw its harmful proposed overtime rule because of its negative impact on workers, small business, nonprofits, colleges, and universities. Fourteen Committee Members joined Foxx and Kiley in sending the letter, including: Reps. Thompson, Walberg, Stefanik, Allen, Comer, Smucker, Owens, Good, Steel, Miller, Letlow, Bean, Burlison, and Houchin. 
In the letter, the lawmakers write: “This proposed rule would have a devastating impact on America’s small businesses, nonprofits, colleges, universities, and other employers who have fought so hard to recover from President Biden’s failed economic policies.”
The letter continues: “DOL under President Trump published a rule that responsibly updated the salary threshold and considered extensive stakeholder feedback before issuing the final rule. The same cannot be said about the rushed efforts of the current DOL to push through a rule which makes changes as extreme as they are unnecessary.”
The lawmakers conclude: “A new overtime salary threshold coming less than four years after the prior increase is premature and unnecessary. Due in large part to the administration’s radical policies, small employers have faced persistent inflation and higher operating costs. … This is not the right time to add to the still increasing costs of labor, compliance, payroll, and administration. DOL needs to withdraw this harmful rule.”
To read the full letter, click here.
On October 20, 2023, Chairwoman Foxx sent a letter to Acting Labor Secretary Su requesting that DOL extend its comment period on the proposed overtime rule. DOL has yet to grant this request. 

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