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WATCH: Foxx Discusses Antisemitism on Campuses

“Our universities are in a tailspin”

WASHINGTONIn Case You Missed It, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) joined The Evening Edit on Fox Business to discuss the Committee’s hearing titled “Confronting the Scourge of Antisemitism on Campus.” Key excerpts and video below.

On the Committee’s hearing that featured disturbing testimony from a Jewish student and other Jewish leaders:

“[Students] have been indoctrinated unfortunately over the years, particularly at the universities but even going back—in some places—in high school. We have a real problem.”

“Our universities are in a tailspin right now. … They’re not helping students learn skills that will help them get jobs. What [universities] are teaching them is not good for this country.”

On Biden’s lackluster response:

“The Department of Education can already go in and investigate Title VI violations—civil rights violations. [But] they aren’t doing that. … They did it under Trump. Trump came forth with very good programs to protect the students, but the Biden administration hasn’t issued the rules to enforce it.”

On next steps:

“We need to do more. We don’t want the President issuing more executive orders. [Biden] wants to be the legislative, the executive, and the judicial branches. We need to do this work in the Congress, and we will do this work in the Congress.”

Read more about the Committee’s hearing:
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