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Foxx Lacerates Biden’s New Manifesto for International Union Indoctrination

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) took a hatchet to President Biden’s union-authored memorandum mandating federal departments and agencies advance pro-union propaganda in taxpayer-funded projects abroad:

“President Biden claims to be the most ‘pro-worker President in history’, but all he really does is serve as a glorified errand boy for union bosses. Today’s memorandum is not about empowering workforces abroad or enhancing the United States’ competitive edge on the global stage—it’s about force-feeding cancerous, pro-union dogma down the throats of workers across every square mile of land.

“No matter how many shiny buzzwords or poll-tested language that’s folded into this memorandum, one fact remains clear: the Biden administration will say anything, do anything, and become anything if it means getting a pat on its head and a few words of affirmation from its union handlers.”


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