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Chairwoman Foxx Supports DETERRENT Act to Combat Malicious Foreign Influence on College Campuses

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) spoke on the House Floor in support of Rep. Michelle Steel's DETERRENT Act to protect American education from malicious foreign interference and increase accountability and transparency surrounding foreign donations to American universities:  

"I rise today in support of the DETERRENT Act, H.R. 5933.
"The Republican transparency and accountability agenda is on the march, and the Committee on Education and the Workforce has set its sights on postsecondary education.
"We delivered the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, a bill to ensure Title IX funding doesn’t go to athletic programs which disadvantage young women. 
"Just yesterday, we conducted oversight of antisemitism on campus during a contentious hearing with Ivy League presidents.
"Now, we are considering the DETERRENT Act, a bill that restores transparency and accountability in foreign donations to American universities.
"The DETERRENT Act strengthens section 117 of the Higher Education Act, which was intended to protect American universities from nefarious foreign donations.
"Unfortunately, many schools fail to report these foreign gifts and funding, leaving foreign actors with a stranglehold on U.S. academic institutions. A 2019 Senate report found that up to 70 percent of universities fail to comply with the law and outside experts uncovered nearly $13 billion in previously undisclosed foreign funds.
"Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Without transparency, we have no idea the true amount of foreign funds at our universities.   
"This legislation safeguards our national security in five key ways. 
"First, this bill lowers the minimum foreign gift reporting threshold to $50,000 from its current $250,000. For countries of concern, every penny must be reported.
"Second, the bill closes loopholes that allow foreign entities to hide the true origin or purpose of their gifts. Every disclosure must include the intended purpose, dates, and person at the institution responsible for accepting the gift. 
"Third, the DETERRENT Act requires that research faculty at our largest research universities disclose foreign gifts and contracts publicly so the American people can see if academic work is compromised.
"Fourth, it reveals foreign investments by the endowments of our largest private universities.  
"Finally, it sets real, meaningful penalties for universities that fail to comply. Foreign influence is not something our schools should take lightly.
"I am proud of my Republican colleague, Representative Michelle Steel, for introducing this fantastic piece of legislation, and the Committee on Education and the Workforce is proud to deliver yet another win for transparency, for accountability, and for the American people."

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