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Foxx Torches Raise the Wage Act Following New CBO Report

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement on a newly released Congressional Budget Office report on S. 2488, the so-called Raise the Wage Act of 2023:

“Bad ideas take their first breath in the Democrat-controlled Senate—that much is clear. S. 2488 might have a glossy exterior and a poll-tested title, but it’s nothing more than a bureaucrat’s daydream of lighting taxpayer dollars, and the entire American economy, on fire. With projected job losses of up to 1.4 million, between $46 and $59 billion added to the federal deficit over the next decade, and ballooning interest rates to boot, the best place for this scheme to go is the paper shredder—not the People’s House and certainly not the President’s desk.”    


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