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@EdWorkforceCmte Urge Su Not to Make Drastic Changes to Programs for Workers with Disabilities

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) joined Reps. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA), Elise Stefanik (R-NY), Glenn Grothman (R-WI), Lloyd Smucker (R-PA), Aaron Bean (R-FL), Tim Walberg (R-MI) and Eric Burlison (R-MO), in sending a letter to the Department of Labor’s (DOL) Acting Secretary, Julie Su, to urge caution before DOL makes changes to Section 14(c) programs, which protect employment opportunities for workers with disabilities. The letter comes as the Government Accountability Office (GAO) conducts a study on how the closure of 14(c) work centers will impact individuals with disabilities.  
In the letter, the lawmakers write: “We are concerned about reports of the rapid closure of Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRP)—also known as sheltered workshops—for individuals with disabilities. For many Americans with disabilities, these centers provide a unique sense of purpose and community, and their closures threaten to cut off potential workers from employment opportunities and the support services received through these centers. Out of our concern for these workers, we write to request that the [DOL] refrain from making significant changes to policies related to sheltered workshops and provide information that could inform legislation on this issue.”
The letter continues: “CRPs utilizing 14(c) certificates have come under attack in recent years from misguided activists and policymakers across the country. DOL’s recent announcement of a ‘comprehensive review of the Section 14(c) program to re-examine its use and future viability’ only heightens our concerns. On June 3, 2021, the [Committee] requested that the [GAO] conduct a study on the effect of state governments and private organizations eliminating the use of 14(c) certificates, which GAO is conducting. … [T]o promote employment and protect employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities, we request that DOL delay its review of the Section 14(c) program until GAO completes its report on the impacts these closures will have on individuals with disabilities.”
The lawmakers request information on the following:
  • What specific changes to the Section 14(c) program is DOL currently considering?
  • Has DOL received feedback from current participants and employers who utilize 14(c) certificates? If so, please provide those communications. 
  • Has DOL received feedback from GAO on how shuttering this program would impact employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities? If so, please provide all communications between DOL and GAO regarding GAO’s analysis of these impacts. 
To read the full letter, click here

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