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Foxx Op-Ed Sounds Alarm on Big Labor’s Push to Erode America’s Freedom

Labor union numbers are dwindling. Just last week we learned union membership hit its lowest level in history. Instead of reforming to serve their members better, union bosses are manipulating the organizing process to force more workers into unions. From Starbucks to Toyota, Big Labor (with Biden’s backing) is hard at work to push their so-called neutrality agreements, which usually include denying workers the right to a secret ballot and silencing job creators.

In Case You Missed It, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) penned an op-ed for Labor Union News warning how Big Labor’s push for neutrality agreements are hurting workers and eroding America’s core principle of freedom.

Big Labor’s Neutrality Agreements Must Be Stopped
By: Rep. Virginia Foxx
January 25. 2024

In their fight for relevance, unions have started to evade the long established and settled roads of labor organizing campaigns. Rather than relying on direct appeals to workers, unions now wield their political and economic clout to pressure employers into foregoing their legal right to communicate their views to their employees and take away their employees’ right to a secret ballot election process as provided by theNational Labor Relations Act.

Increasingly, unions are trying to coerce employers into so-called “neutrality agreements.” Through bitter corporate campaign messaging, pressure on shareholders, leveraged business relationships, and political influence, unions manipulate the long-established workplace organization process in their attempts to add to their dwindling ranks.

These “agreements” silence employers, take away free speech rights, and ultimately harm working Americans. The language included in them often requires that employers relinquish their free speech rights. As such, workers lose the ability to learn the facts about unions before selecting an exclusive bargaining representative.

Fortunately, many decades of legal precedent have protected employer free speech and questioned the legitimacy of card check voting. These rights need to be protected, not ignored.
The imposition of neutrality agreements through outside pressure – whether from the Biden administration, its partisan allies, or other sources – will upend decades of informed consent in union elections. Our Republic hinges on citizens gathering information to make informed choices prior to voting in secret ballot elections. Neutrality agreements erode America’s core principle of freedom and ultimately harm both job creators and workers.

Working Americans deserve complete and fair access to information so they can make informed decisions that are best for themselves and their families. You can count on the Committee on Education and the Workforce to protect free speech and workers’ rights.

Read the full op-ed here.
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