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WATCH: Chairwoman Foxx Lambasts Education Department's Bungled FAFSA Rollout

WASHINGTON–Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) denounced the Department of Education's failed FAFSA rollout that has negatively impacted students and families.

Chairwoman Foxx's remarks (as prepared for delivery):

"Roughly 18 million students fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. Yet, this week the Department of Education celebrated 3.6 million forms being submitted.

"That’s 20 percent—a failing grade in any classroom. Yet the Biden administration considers this success?

"Countless students and families are being negatively impacted by the administration’s outrageously incompetent implementation of a bipartisan law passed more than three years ago.

"The Department had plenty of time to prepare for the FAFSA rollout. Instead, it zealously and recklessly pursued an illegal student loan scheme. The Department’s actions have had real consequences. Students are hurting—especially low-income students who are most dependent on federal aid.

"The Department promises that colleges will receive financial aid information in mid-March. Given this Department’s empty promises and missed deadlines throughout the past year, I won’t hold my breath."

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