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Chair Bean to Hold Hearing on Charter School Success — Tomorrow at 10:15 AM

WASHINGTON–Tomorrow, at 10:15 a.m., the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education, chaired by Rep. Aaron Bean (R-FL), will hold a hearing titled: “Proven Results: Highlighting the Benefits of Charter Schools for Students and Families.”

“Charter schools have a sustained track record of raising students’ academic achievement and improving learning outcomes,” said Chairman Bean. “Given these results, it’s no surprise that a 2022 national survey found that 78 percent of parents and families want more public charter school options. This Committee will continue working to expand access to this favorable alternative, so students and parents are empowered to choose the education environment best suited to their needs and goals.”

Subcommittee hearing titled “Proven Results: Highlighting the Benefits of Charter Schools for Students and Families”

10:15 a.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 2024

2175 Rayburn House Office Building


  • Dr. Macke Raymond, Founder and Director, Center for Research on Education Outcomes, Stanford University
  • Dr. Julian Vasquez Heilig,Founding Board Member, Network for Public Education
  • Mr. Robert Pondiscio, Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
  • Mr. Kenneth Campbell, CEO, New Schools for Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge

The hearing is open to the press and will be live-streamed on the Committee’s YouTube page.


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