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Foxx Slams Biden’s Student Voter Registration Scheme

WASHINGTON – Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) slammed the Biden administration for paying college students through the Federal Work-Study program to register voters ahead of the 2024 election

Chairwoman Foxx's remarks (as prepared for delivery):
“The Biden administration is desperate to shore up support before the November election.
“It’s so desperate, in fact, that it has announced its intent to co-opt the Federal Work-Study program and begin paying college students to register voters and to work at the polls.
“That’s right, the federal government will be handing out cold, hard cash for students to scoop up votes.
“Vice President Harris, in recent remarks, billed this scheme as ‘non-partisan’ and one that will ‘promote voter participation for students.’ Nobody is buying that pitch.
“Here’s the truth: the Biden administration is turning the Federal Work-Study program into a vote-buying sweepstakes.
“Enough with the smoke and mirrors already – the American people are not fooled.”

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