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Foxx Forecasts Biden’s SOTU: The Nation Will Tune Him Out

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) issued the following statement ahead of President Biden’s State of the Union address:

"At 9 PM tonight, President Biden will stumble through his speech behind a set of dual teleprompters to tout his mangled, job-killing, and backwards vision for America. But in countless households across the nation, television screens will remain dark—the president’s message will be dead before he utters a single syllable. Proud moms, dads, and hardworking Americans are appalled by the smoke and mirrors, the constant assaults on their God-given rights and livelihoods, and the hypocrisy from this administration.

"Americans are tired of the fallout brought about through this administration pushing an illegal student loan bailout scheme, failing to address antisemitism across college campuses, decimating Main Street America, threatening innovation in the health care marketplace, and peddling radical policies that incite ideological warfare in America’s classrooms. Mr. President, you can drone on for as long as you please, but the nation won’t be giving you the time of day."

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