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WATCH: Chair Foxx Celebrates National Charter Schools Week

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) spoke on the House Floor to recognize National Charter Schools Week.

Chairwoman Foxx’s remarks:

“This week we celebrate and recognize the impact of the 8,000 public charter schools across the country.
“Charter schools offer students and their families a crucial alternative to the one-size-fits-all education model.
“About 4 million students benefit from charter school education—60 percent of whom are from low-income communities.
“In a clear testament to the effectiveness of charter schools, a recent study found that charter school students gain an additional 16 days of learning in reading and 6 days of math per year over their traditional public school peers.
“Thank you to all the advocates across the country who are working tirelessly to expand charter school access. Your work is vital for the parents who desire more options and for the students who are now able to learn in an environment best suited to their individual goals and needs.”

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