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Chair Good to Hold Hearing Exposing Shady Union Tactics to Undermine Elections, Workers’ Rights — Tomorrow at 10:15 AM

WASHINGTON – Tomorrow, at 10:15 a.m., the Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions, chaired by Rep. Bob Good (R-VA), will hold a hearing titled “Big Labor Lies: Exposing Union Tactics to Undermine Free and Fair Elections.”
“Union bosses often use shady tactics to intimidate employees and undermine free and fair election processes, forcing workers into union membership,” said Chairman Good. “Through practices like corporate campaigns, neutrality agreements, and salting, unions pressure employers, mislead employees, and restrict the ability for employees to make the choices that are best for them. We cannot allow Big Labor to continue their despicable practices that harm employers and undermine employee rights.”
Subcommittee hearing titled “Big Labor Lies: Exposing Union Tactics to Undermine Free and Fair Elections”
10:15 a.m. on Wednesday, May 22, 2024
2175 Rayburn House Office Building


  • Mr. Bill Messenger, Vice President and Legal Director, National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation
  • Mr. Michael Alcorn, Crew Member, Trader Joe’s
  • Ms. Lynn Rhinehart, Senior Fellow, Economic Policy Institute
  • Mr. Stephen Delie, Director of Labor Policy, Mackinac Center for Public Policy
The hearing is open to the press and will be live-streamed on the Committee’s YouTube page.
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