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Chair Good Delivers Opening Remarks at Hearing Exposing Shady Union Tactics

WASHINGTON – Today, Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee Chairman Bob Good (R-VA) delivered the following statement, as prepared for delivery, at a hearing titled "Big Labor Lies: Exposing Union Tactics to Undermine Free and Fair Elections":

"President Biden’s radical labor policies have damaged fair and open labor relations between employers and employees, and are fundamentally reshaping the labor landscape. 

"Upon taking office, President Biden declared his intention to govern as the 'most pro-union president in history.' Well, President Biden has kept his promise and proven to be the most partisan, Big-Labor president since FDR, and the nation is worse off for it. Today, we will examine the three main ways in which unions have been emboldened under this President’s leadership to pursue bad-faith organizing tactics.

"First, unions conduct corporate campaigns to damage a company’s image and reputation. Corporate campaigns often involve a range of disruptive attacks, such as frivolous legal challenges, political schemes, or public relations assaults. The goal is to force the company to surrender to union demands, regardless of whether those demands are in the best interest of the business or its employees.

"These corporate campaigns often lead to another tactic, so-called 'neutrality agreements.' These agreements are often misrepresented as a peaceful way to allow unionization efforts to proceed without employer intervention. The reality is that 'neutrality agreements' can be coercive and undermine the rights of both employers and employees. They typically implement gag clauses, card check provisions, and force employers to give unions access to workers’ private personal information. 

"Finally, unions will install undercover 'salts', which is when a union organizer covertly seeks employment at a company with the primary intention of organizing the workforce from the inside and filing frivolous unfair labor practice charges against the employer. This is a highly disruptive scheme that harms the business, reduces productivity, and generates employer-employee conflict.

"These tactics do not align with the principles of a fair and open organizing process. The Biden administration’s promotion of many of these unfair schemes are yet more examples of their efforts to facilitate power grabs by union bosses.

"Fortunately, President Biden’s favorability is cratering with union households. The American people see Biden’s Big Labor bias for what it is: anti-worker and anti-business. In fact, polls show that union households have shifted six points towards President Trump since 2020.

"The American people understand that President Biden’s economic policies actually harm working-class families. The biggest factor in raising workers’ wages is a strong economy like what we had under President Trump’s leadership, not the hyperinflation-causing policies known as 'Bidenomics.'

"Going forward, we should ensure that both employers and employees can express their views openly and honestly in a labor dispute, and allow any negotiations to be conducted in good faith, absent union intimidation."

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