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Chairwoman Foxx Introduces Bill to Require Unions to Inform Members of Their Rights

WASHINGTON – Today, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) introduced H.R. 8573, the Union Members Right to Know Act. The legislation requires labor unions to inform union members of their free speech rights and the right not to pay dues or fees to the union based on religious beliefs and practices for nonrepresentational activity. The introduction of this legislation aims to address concerns raised during the Committee’s investigation into the Association of Legal Aid Attorneys - UAW Local 2325’s (ALAA) passage of a contentious resolution despite union members’ objections. Throughout the investigation, ALAA members confided that they were unaware of their rights and noted the union’s failure to share this information. 
“Too many union members are unaware of the rights afforded to them under the law. Unions deliberately fail to inform their members of their rights in a callous attempt to exert power and control,” said Chairwoman Foxx. “This bill will bring transparency and accountability, and it will foil unions’ attempts to trample on the rights of members. Union members deserve to be empowered with information to make informed decisions.” 
The Union Members Right to Know Act:  
  • Requires labor unions to inform union members of their free speech rights; the right to seek a reasonable accommodation not to pay dues or fees to the union based on religious beliefs or practices; and the right to object to paying union dues related to nonrepresentational activity. 
  • Specifies that labor unions are required to provide summaries of these laws and rights to each new member within 30 days of joining the union and every year to all members. 
  • Requires labor union to post a link to information about members’ rights on the union’s website. 
Click here for bill text

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