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@EdWorkforceCmte Advances Bills to Expedite FAFSA, Optimize Workforce Data Collection, and Protect American Savers

WASHINGTON – Today, the Education and the Workforce Committee passed five bills that will expedite the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process, improve workforce data collection, and protect American savers and retirees: H.R. 8932FAFSA Deadline Act;  H.R. 2574EMS Counts ActH.R. 6319Supporting Accurate Views of Emergency Services Act of 2023 H.R. 2941Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals Act; and H.J. Res. 142Congressional Review Act resolution to stop Biden’s fiduciary rule. 
On the passage of the bills, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) said: “From ensuring timely access to the FAFSA, to protecting American savers and retirees, to upgrading workforce data collection, these bills showcase the breadth and depth of this Committee’s work and responsibilities. Today’s legislation will help cultivate opportunities for students and workers alike. I thank my colleagues for their efforts on these bills and look forward to their consideration in the House.” 
FAFSA Deadline Act 
  • Requires the Department of Education to make the FAFSA available to students each year on October 1. This will put an end to the “flexibility” in statute that has allowed the Department to release the FAFSA as late as January 1, which has caused confusion for schools and families and made it difficult for states and nonprofits to process aid packages or award scholarships.
EMS Counts Act 
  • Directs the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to consider dividing the occupational category of “Firefighter” into four subcategories: Firefighters, Firefighter/EMTs, Firefighter/Paramedics, and Firefighters, All Other. These changes will address the chronic miscounting of emergency medical services (EMS) personnel by identifying certain firefighters as cross-educated EMS providers.  
Supporting Accurate Views of Emergency Services Act of 2023 
  • Directs OMB to consider updating the classification of 911 professionals from clerical workers to protective service workers in the Department of Labor’s occupational classification system to reflect more accurately the lifesaving work they perform each day. Doing so will ensure they are eligible for workforce development funding and have expanded access to mental health support. 
Recognizing the Role of Direct Support Professionals Act 
  • Directs OMB to consider establishing a separate code for direct support professionals who provide critical support to individuals with disabilities. This will provide federal agencies, the states, and the private sector with the data they need to address workforce shortages and ensure that the needs of communities will be better met.    
Congressional Review Act resolution to stop Biden’s fiduciary rule 
  • Protects American savers and retirees by stopping the Biden administration’s misguided fiduciary rule and restoring Americans’ access to retirement investment products. Without action, the ill-conceived rule will disrupt the market and restrict access to retirement products for millions of Americans, including lower- and middle-income Americans. 
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