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Chair Foxx Promises Robust Oversight if Biden Admin Fails to Heed the Limits Placed on its Authority Following Chevron Reversal

WASHINGTON – Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) led eight letters to the agencies that fall under the Committee’s jurisdiction, calling on them to adhere to the recent Supreme Court ruling that overturned the Chevron decision, which rightfully puts an end to the Biden administration’s gross and abusive federal overreach. 
In the letters, Foxx writes: “[C]hevron unleashed decades of successively broader, more costly, and more invasive assertions of agency power over citizens’ lives, liberty, and property, as agencies adopted expansive interpretations of assertedly ambiguous statutes, demanding courts defer to them. Perhaps no administration has gone as far as President Biden’s to found sweeping and intrusive agency dictates on such questionable assertions of agency authority.”
The letters continue: “The expansive administrative state encouraged by Chevron deference has undermined our system of government, overburdening our citizenry and threatening to overwhelm the founders’ system of checks and balances. Thankfully, the Court in Loper Bright has now corrected its Chevron error…. This long-needed reversal should stem the vast tide of federal agencies’ overreach. Given the Biden administration’s track record, however, we are compelled to underscore the implications of Loper Bright and remind you of the limitations it has set on your authority.”
The letters conclude: “As the committees with legislative and oversight jurisdiction over your agency, we assure you we will exercise our robust investigative and legislative powers not only to reassert forcefully our Article I responsibilities, but also to ensure the Biden administration respects the limits placed on its authority by the Court’s Loper Bright decision.”
Read the letter to Department of Education Secretary Cardona here
Read the letter to National Labor Relations Board Chair McFerran here.
Read the letter to AmeriCorps Chief Executive Officer Smith here.
Read the letter to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Chair Burrows here
Read the letter to Department of Labor Acting Secretary Su here.
Read the letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra here.
Read the letter to Department of Justice Attorney General Garland here.
Read the letter to Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Acting Director Orr here.

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