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ICYMI: Foxx Outlines Plan to Fix Broken Higher Ed

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 13, 2024
In Case You Missed It, Education and the Workforce Committee Chairwoman Virginia Foxx (R-NC) penned an op-ed for the Washington Times entitled, “Higher ed is broken, and Republicans have a plan to fix it.” Chairwoman Foxx slams the Biden-Harris administration’s schemes to bailout student loans on the backs of taxpayers. The op-ed also outlines H.R. 6951, the College Cost Reduction Act, which will lower college costs for students and families.

Higher ed is broken, and Republicans have a plan to fix it
Rep. Virginia Foxx
September 11, 2024

Democrats and Republicans rarely see eye-to-eye these days, but I think we can all agree that earning a postsecondary degree or certification is just too expensive.

[Y]ounger generations have waning confidence in the current postsecondary model, with two-thirds of high school students signaling they are better off without a degree. With tuition, fees, and inflation on the rise, we need solutions that ease the challenge of college affordability while holding schools accountable for the outcome of today’s students and tomorrow’s workforce.

That’s why earlier this year I and almost 150 of my colleagues introduced H.R. 6951, the College Cost Reduction Act (CCRA), which offers much-needed accountability, transparency, and affordability to the college marketplace. The CCRA treats the disease, not just the symptoms…

… The CCRA would promote a new quality assurance model that ensures colleges have skin in the game. The bill holds every college in the country financially responsible if they overcharge for degrees that simply don’t pay off and leave students and taxpayers with debt they cannot afford.

By contrast, the Biden-Harris administration is repeatedly attempting to force American taxpayers to pay for a wide-sweeping student loan bailout scheme. The Biden-Harris plan puts the loans of degree holders—to the tune of nearly $138 billion—on the backs of workers who have either paid off their loans or who chose not to attend college at all. The CCRA curbs this unconstitutional power grab and takes action to rein in the Biden-Harris Department of Education….

Students, families, and taxpayers can no longer afford the status quo when it comes to financing college. As an elected official, it is my duty to help foster freedom, good competition, and an environment where every American has a pathway to success. The CCRA lives up to this promise, offering real solutions that deliver the kind of postsecondary education students need and our economy demands. 
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