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Joint-Employer Rule

Opening Statement of Republican Leader Tim Walberg (R-MI), Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions - Hearing on “The Protecting the Right to Organize Act: Modernizing America’s Labor Laws”

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Thanks to a skyrocketing economy propelled by recent tax cuts, innovation, and American enterprise, great workers throughout the country are experiencing record-breaking success. While workers’ lives are improving, union membership rates have steadily plummeted, suggesting what Democrats refuse to acknowledge: that strong workers- strong union workers as well- and not strong union bosses, lead to... Read more »

Opening Statement of Republican Leader Tim Walberg (R-MI) Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Hearing on "Standing with Public Servants: Protecting the Right to Organize"

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The two pieces of legislation we’re here to discuss today are another Democrat attempt to put the thumb on the scale in favor of forced unionization and they also show no regard for the system of federalism on which this nation was founded. H.R. 1154, the Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act, and the Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act disregard the will of the voters in every stat... Read more »

Opening Statement of Rep. Virginia Foxx- Hearing on “Do No Harm: Examining the Misapplication of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act”

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The First Amendment of the United States Constitution declares that Congress may make no law “respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Our founding fathers reiterated this principle at every stage: that people are fundamentally free, and are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among these, the ability to worship freely. Many of the ... Read more »

Opening Statement of Rep. Bradley Byrne- Subcommittee Hearing on Black Lung Disease

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As the name of this subcommittee suggests, we all share the common goal of keeping hardworking Americans out of harm’s way at their jobs. We want to help ensure that all workers return home to their families safe and healthy. Workers in the mining industry have been an extremely important part of the American economy for decades. As someone who comes from a coal mining state, I have been a strong... Read more »

Opening Statement of Republican Leader Foxx- Hearing on “Innovation to Improve Equity: Exploring High-Quality Pathways to a College Degree”

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For too long, we’ve believed in the stereotype of college students as being young, bright-eyed youth, fresh out of high school, lounging in their dorms before heading to class in the quad. While true for some, this traditional image of postsecondary education is no longer the case for the majority of American students. Today, 37 percent of college students are 25 or older; 49 percent are financia... Read more »

Talk is Cheap. Bad Bills are Costly.

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Opening Remarks of Republican Leader Virginia Foxx Committee on Education and Labor Markup of H.R. 1230, the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act; H.R. 1390, the Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Services Act; and H.R. 397, the Rehabilitation for Multiemployer Pensions Act Faithful fans of this committee who attend in person or enjoy watching the proceedings ... Read more »

Opening Statement of Subcommittee Republican Leader Rick Allen, Hearing on “This is Not a Drill: Education-Related Response and Recovery in the Wake of Natural Disasters”

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We sometimes forget, that when a natural disaster strikes an area, it doesn’t discriminate what it destroys in its path. Schools are central gathering places and they are just as vulnerable as homes, businesses, and churches when a natural disaster hits our communities. Hurricanes and fires, like the ones that have devastated the U.S. in recent years, demolished school buildings and displaced thou... Read more »

Opening Statement of Rep. Lloyd Smucker, Hearing on "Engines of Economic Mobility"

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We’re all here today because we believe that every American should have the opportunity to pursue postsecondary education. We know doors are opened by a college degree, and we understand the importance of making this kind of opportunity achievable for everyone in our country. Higher education can help set individuals on the right path to achieve the American dream. While it's not the only pathway ... Read more »

Opening Statement of Republican Leader Virginia Foxx, Hearing on “Eliminating Barriers to Employment: Opening Doors to Opportunity”

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This hearing is supposedly about barriers to employment, not opportunities for federal spending, federal involvement, and federal power. We could use a little truth in advertising today. It seems our colleagues on the other side have done their level best to have a hearing about employment without addressing the role of education. Or put another way, skills development. That shows two things. Fir... Read more »

Opening Statement for Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Markup on H.R. 2574 and H.R. 2639

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Thank you for yielding. As I reviewed the legislation we’re here to consider, it became clear that the question before us today is not one of equality for all children. That’s simply, thankfully, no longer a question. It never should have been. Separate is not and was never equal. Racism is wrong. Segregation is wrong. While its place in the law is finally over, its lingering effects are not. As ... Read more »

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