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Full Committee

December 12, 2017 - 10:00 AM
H.R. 4508, "Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity through Education Reform (PROSPER) Act"
Ordered favorably reported to the House, as amended, by 23 yeas and 17 nays.

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Opening Statement(s):

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Amendments and Motions Offered:

Click on the amendment number for a PDF of the text

campus aid programs
Offered By Description Action Taken Roll Call
#1 Mr. Guthrie amendment in the nature of a substitute adopted by voice vote
#2 Mrs. Davis Pell grants defeated by 17 yeas -22 nays No. 2
#3 Mr. Estes apprenticeships adopted by 22 yeas -17 nays No. 3
#4 Mr. Grijalva Dream act ruled non-germane
motion Mr. Grijalva appeal the ruling of the Chair on the Grijalva amendment
motion Mr. Guthrie motion to table the appeal of the ruling of the chair on the Grijalva amendment adopted by 20 yeas -13 nays No. 1
#5 Mr. Thompson hazing adopted by 23 yeas -17 nays No. 4
#6 Mr. Espaillat DREAMer students defeated by 17 yeas -23 nays No. 5
#7 Mr. Garrett sense of Congress on inclusion withdrawn
#8 Ms. Fudge hazing withdrawn
#9 Mr. Smucker substance abuse and prevention adopted by voice vote
#10 Ms. Shea-Porter opioid abuse and prevention adopted by voice vote
#11 Mr. Ferguson early awareness counseling adopted by voice vote
#12 Mr. Takano definitions including academic year and eligible program defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 6
#13 Mr. Grothman competency-based education adopted by 22 yeas - 17 nays No. 7
#14 Mr. Courtney public service loan forgiveness defeated by 19 yeas - 20 nays No. 8
#15 Mr. Grothman counseling to students receiving Title IV assistance adopted by 21 yeas and 19 nays No. 9
#16 Ms. Bonamici direct loans defeated by 17 yeas and 23 nays No. 10
#17 Mr. Estes notice difference between loans and grants adopted by voice vote
#18 Mr. Polis
student unit record data defeated by 17 yeas and 21 nays No. 11
#19 Mr. Garrett sense of Congress on inclusion adopted by voice vote
#20 Ms. Blunt Rochester  FAFSA defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 12
#21 Mr. Garrett speech policy complaint process adopted by 23 yeas - 17 nays No. 13
#22 Mr. Courtney student loan refinancing defeated by 18 yeas - 22 nays No. 14
#23 Mr. Allen additional counseling adopted by voice vote
#24 Ms. Wilson Teacher Quality Partnership Grants and TEACH Grants defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 15
#25 Mr. Rokita reduction of full time employees withdrawn
#26 Mr. Sablan Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa tuition assistance  defeated by 19 yeas - 21 nays No. 16
#27 Mr. Rokita education department full-time equivalent employees adopted by 23 yeas - 17 nays No. 17
#28 Mr. Bonamici campus-based aid programs defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 18
#29 Mr. Thompson Institution of Peace adopted by voice vote
#30 Ms. Adams Minority Serving Institutions defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 19
#31 Mr. Scott community college tuition defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 20 en bloc
#32 Ms. Davis earn and learn programs defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 21
#33 Mr. Grothman Pell Grant Bonus study defeated by 20 yeas - 20 nays No. 22
#34 Mr. Norcross community college completion defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 20 en bloc
#35 Mr. Grothman pell study adopted by voice vote
#36 Mr. Espaillat early college and dual enrollment defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 20 en bloc
#37 Mr. Norcross remedial education defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 20 en bloc
#38 Mr. DeSaulnier program serving students with disabilities defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 23
#39 Mr. Norcross campus-based child care defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 24
#40 Mr. Grothman institutional fines withdrawn
#41 Mr. Scott equal treatment of religious institutions by government entities defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 25
#42 Ms. Davis sexual assualt defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 26
#43 Ms. Davis foreign language and international education defeated by 18 yeas - 22 nays No. 27
#44 Mr. Hunter DHS recruiting on campus adopted by voice vote
#45 Ms. Wilson racial harassment and hostility defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 28
#46 Mr. Hunter pilot program on encryption of student data withdrawn
#47 Mr. Krishnamoorthi foster youth and homeless youth defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 29
#48 Mr. Messer federal student loan disclosure form adopted by voice vote
#49 Mr. Krishnamoorthi voter registration notice defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 30
#50 Mr. Messer GAO study of moving FSA to Treasury adopted by voice vote
#51 Ms. Bonamici military recruitment and retention defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 31
#52 Mr. Messer plain language dislcosure adopted by voice vote
#53 Mr. Grijalva garnishment of social security benefits ruled non-germane  
#54 Mr. Grijalva veteran student centers defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 32
#55 Ms. Bonamici impact on low income students defeated by voice vote
#56 Ms. Bonamici certification relating to veterans defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 33
#57 Ms. Bonamici certification relating to student debt defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 34
#58 Mr. Polis competency based education defeated by voice vote
#59 Mr. Polis dual enrollment defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 20 en bloc
#60 Mr. Polis reverse transfer adopted by voice vote
#61 Mr. Polis open textbooks defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 20 en bloc
#62 Mr. Polis online educational material defeated by 17 yeas - 23 nays No. 35
#63 Mr. Polis Native American students at certain institutions defeated by 18 yeas - 22 nays No. 36
motion Mr. Wilson report bill, as amended adopted by a 23 yeas and 17 nays No. 37

Related Legislation and Committee Action:

  • H.R. 4508, Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity through Education Reform (PROSPER) Act. - underlying bill 

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