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Committee Statements

Foxx Statement: Republican Efforts to Provide a Better Way on Health Care

| Posted in Floor Statements

For years, Americans across the country have struggled under a government takeover of health care. Because of Obamacare, insurance markets are collapsing, health care costs are soaring, and patients’ choices are dwindling. Simply put, the flawed health care law is failing. It is hurting hardworking men and women across the country, and the American people deserve better. That’s why Republicans pr... Read more »

Byrne Statement: Hearing on “Federal Wage and Hour Policies in the Twenty-First Century Economy”

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In recent years, working families and small businesses have faced significant challenges as they’ve struggled through the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression. Since 2009, the economy grew at an average annual pace of just 1.5 percent. The net result is limited opportunity for hardworking men and women. In fact, the labor force participation rate has dropped to 62.9 percent — nearl... Read more »

Walberg Statement: Hearing on "Restoring Balance and Fairness to the National Labor Relations Board"

| Posted in Committee Statements

After years of struggling through an anemic economy, sluggish job growth, rising health care costs, and stagnant wages, the American people are expecting — in fact, they are demanding — a new direction for this country. They want policymakers to advance a bold, pro-growth agenda that will reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses, deliver a stronger, healthier economy, and provide hope and... Read more »

Foxx Statement: Consideration of H. J. Res. 57

| Posted in Floor Statements

For years, the federal government operated under the flawed idea that Washington knows best when it comes to education. Policies put in place in recent decades vastly expanded the federal footprint into K-12 schools and prevented state and local education leaders from delivering the high-quality education all children deserve. Something needed to change, yet under the Obama administration the problem only got worse. Read more »

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