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Committee Statements

Byrne Statement: Hearing on “Federal Wage and Hour Policies in the Twenty-First Century Economy”

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In recent years, working families and small businesses have faced significant challenges as they’ve struggled through the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression. Since 2009, the economy grew at an average annual pace of just 1.5 percent. The net result is limited opportunity for hardworking men and women. In fact, the labor force participation rate has dropped to 62.9 percent — nearl... Read more »

Walberg Statement: Hearing on "Restoring Balance and Fairness to the National Labor Relations Board"

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After years of struggling through an anemic economy, sluggish job growth, rising health care costs, and stagnant wages, the American people are expecting — in fact, they are demanding — a new direction for this country. They want policymakers to advance a bold, pro-growth agenda that will reduce the regulatory burden on small businesses, deliver a stronger, healthier economy, and provide hope and... Read more »

Rokita Statement: Hearing on “Helping Students Succeed Through the Power of School Choice”

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In recent years, this subcommittee has helped advance positive, legislative solutions for America’s students and families. At the center of those efforts has always been the desire to make sure every child has the opportunity to receive an excellent education. That’s a mantra we repeat often around here, and for good reason. It’s a critical goal, and it guides much of the work we do on this subcom... Read more »

Foxx Statement: Committee Organizing Meeting for the 115th Congress

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Allow me to begin by extending a warm welcome to all of our colleagues. As is always the case, there are many familiar faces and some new faces. We are fortunate to have a strong team, and I look forward to working with each and every one of you as we advance reforms to strengthen our nation’s schools and workplaces. In recent years, the committee has built a strong record of success. Together, we... Read more »

Roe Statement: Hearing on “Discussion Draft to Modernize Multiemployer Pensions”

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We are here to discuss an issue that is vitally important to Americans from all walks of life: retirement security. This is a leading priority for millions of hardworking men and women, and that is why it’s a leading priority for Republicans and Democrats alike. Strengthening retirement security has always been a difficult challenge with no easy answers. It’s one that demands thoughtful dialogue, ... Read more »

Rokita Statement: Hearing on “Supplanting the Law and Local Education Authority Through Regulatory Fiat"

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When the committee last met to discuss the Every Student Succeeds Act, we heard concerns from state and local education leaders that the administration is not implementing the law in a way that respects its letter and intent. Since that time, the Department of Education has released a regulatory proposal so unprecedented—and so unlawful—that it demands its own examination. The proposal I’m referri... Read more »

Curbelo Statement: Markup of H.R. 5963, the Supporting Youth Opportunity and Preventing Delinquency Act

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There is nothing I want more as a parent than for my daughters to have opportunity—the opportunity to receive a quality education that will prepare them for the future; the opportunity to explore and develop their interests and skills and then to pursue them; and the opportunity to live in, and give back to, safe and productive communities. Many children across the country have those opportunities... Read more »

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