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Committee Statements

Kline Statement: Hearing on “Examining the Policies and Priorities of the U.S. Department of Education”

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I want to extend a warm welcome to Acting Secretary of Education John King, who is with us to discuss the policies and priorities of the Department of Education. Dr. King has been at the helm of the department since January and was recently nominated by the president to serve as the next secretary of education. Congratulations on your nomination, Dr. King. We understand this is the beginning of a ... Read more »

Rokita Statement: Hearing on "Next Steps for K-12 Education: Implementing the Promise to Restore State and Local Control"

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After years of flawed policies and federal intrusions into the nation’s classrooms, Congress passed the Every Student Succeeds Act based on the principle that responsibility of K-12 education must be returned to state and local leaders. The new law repeals onerous federal requirements and ensures important decisions affecting education – like standards, accountability, and school improvement – are... Read more »

Kline Statement: Hearing on "Expanding Educational Opportunity Through School Choice"

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This committee’s work to improve K-12 education has always been guided by the belief that every child – regardless of where they come from or how much money their parents make – should receive an excellent education. Unfortunately, some schools are failing to provide students that opportunity. Too many of our nation’s students are entering high school without the critical skills they need to compl... Read more »

Kline Statement: Markup of H.R. 4293, "Affordable Retirement Advice Protection Act," and H.R. 4294, "Strengthening Access to Valuable Education and Retirement Support Act"

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Retirement security has always been a priority that stretches across party lines. We all want every American to retire with the dignity and financial security they deserve. It’s why Congress passed the Employee Retirement Income Security Act with near unanimous support. It’s why John Boehner and Ted Kennedy worked together on the Pension Protection Act, and why George Miller and I worked together ... Read more »

Roe Statement: Markup of H.R. 4293, "Affordable Retirement Advice Protection Act," and H.R. 4294, "Strengthening Access to Valuable Education and Retirement Support Act"

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For hardworking men and women, retirement should be something to look forward to. Unfortunately, for many individuals, a comfortable, secure retirement seems unattainable. That’s why it’s important that we, as policymakers, are doing what we can to help Americans build a secure retirement. Part of that effort is ensuring they have the tools they need to plan for the future. For years, that’s been ... Read more »

Carter Statement: Markup of H.R. 4293, "Affordable Retirement Advice Protection Act," and H.R. 4294, "Strengthening Access to Valuable Education and Retirement Support Act"

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As policymakers, we should be doing everything we can to ensure hardworking men and women have the tools they need to build a financially secure retirement. That’s a goal I have taken very seriously as a member of this committee, and it’s a goal that was very important to me as a small business owner. Having owned and operated community pharmacies for nearly thirty years, I was very proud to provi... Read more »

Walberg Statement: Hearing on “How the Administration's Regulatory Onslaught Is Affecting Workers and Job Creators"

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The end of the year is an important time to reflect on what has been accomplished and what work remains to be done. As members of the Education and the Workforce Committee, this is especially important as we consider the significant challenges many workers continue to face. Recent months have shown signs of economic improvement and signs of continued concern. Roughly eight million Americans are st... Read more »

Roe Statement: Hearing on “Principles for Ensuring Retirement Advice Serves the Best Interests of Working Families and Retirees”

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Retirement security is something many Americans work hard to achieve, but doing so can be very challenging. While many individuals understand the need to plan for retirement, they don’t necessarily know the best way to do so. That’s why many workers rely on financial advisors to help them build a foundation for a secure retirement. And why too many others simply retire without the resources they n... Read more »

Kline Statement: Conference Committee Meeting on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act

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I want to thank our colleagues for being here today. It’s not every day that the House and Senate come together in a formal conference committee to address an important issue facing our country. The fact that we are here reflects a commitment to follow regular order where members on both sides of the aisle – and on both sides of the Capitol – can participate in an open legislative process and help... Read more »

Foxx Statement: Hearing on “Federal Student Aid: Performance-Based Organization Review”

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We all know the current federal financial aid system is broken. National student loan debt is at an all-time high, and a complex patchwork of grant, loan, and repayment programs has become so difficult to navigate that it often discourages individuals from pursuing a higher education. Students, families, and taxpayers deserve better. That’s why simplifying and improving student aid remains a leadi... Read more »

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