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Left Turns

President Proposes More Stimulus, Bailouts, and Government for the Nation’s Schools

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Yesterday, President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress to outline his latest plan to jump-start the economy. With 14 million workers unemployed and job creation stalled, the nation hoped for fresh ideas that will help put the American people back to work. Instead of offering a new vision to move the country forward, President Obama demanded more of the same policies that have burned work... Read more »

The Failure of “Recovery Summer” is No Laughing Matter

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One year ago, the Obama administration promised the American people the summer of 2010 was “poised to be the most active Recovery Act season yet.” This was just one more assurance on top of many, including the claim that the $830 billion stimulus bill would invest in “shovel ready” projects to create millions of jobs and keep unemployment below 8 percent. Despite these lofty promises, most people ... Read more »

A Banner Day for Union Bosses

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Today is a very good day for powerful union leaders. Congress was summoned back into session – with great complexity and expense – to vote on a multi-billion dollar bailout for unionized state workers. At the same time, the Obama administration is preparing to rollback reporting requirements for union bosses because of the “burden” of “unnecessary government regulation.” The State Bailout: A Boon ... Read more »

Will Obama Finally Listen to Small Businesses?

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President Obama traveled to New Jersey today to raise support for his economic policies among small business leaders. It makes sense to hear from small business owners about their ideas to promote a strong and stable economic recovery. After all, they are the nation’s primary source for job creation. Let’s hope this time the president did less talking and more listening because a look at just a fe... Read more »

Will House Democrats Continue to Delay Troop Support in the Name of Government Bailouts?

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The head of President Obama’s “fiscal responsibility” commission recently made headlines for stating the obvious: the nation’s $13 trillion (and counting) in debt is a “cancer” on our country. Erskine Bowles, commission co-chair and former White House Chief of Staff for President Clinton, called for solutions to our debt crisis that address spending, saying, “I just want to see the vast majority c... Read more »

Another Day, Another Report of Rising Costs Under ObamaCare

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More than a year ago, President Obama declared national health care spending had placed the country “on an unsustainable course that threatens the financial stability of families, businesses and government itself.” The president described health care reform as a “necessity that cannot wait.” Despite overwhelming public opposition, Democrats forced their government takeover of health care through C... Read more »

ObamaCare: “Historic” Record of Broken Promises

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Three months ago, President Obama signed into law the Democrats’ government takeover of health care. The president has described it as “historic” reform, yet in the early months of its implementation, the most notable feature of the law is the long line of broken promises left in its wake. Broken Promise: Will Reduce Costs Reality: Health Care Costs Continue to Rise Americans understand the curren... Read more »

Culture of Union Favoritism Protects Big Labor From Obama’s Latest Broken Health Care Promise

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Almost one year ago President Obama declared: “…no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” It was a bold promise, but one that evidently did not apply eq... Read more »

What the Administration’s Medicare Mailer Didn’t Say: ObamaCare Will Force Seniors to Pay More for Less

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The New York Times reports today, “President Obama and his allies, concerned about deep skepticism over his landmark health care overhaul, are orchestrating an elaborate campaign to sell the public on the law…” So tomorrow, President Obama will visit Wheaton, Maryland, in an attempt to sell seniors on his government-run health care scheme. This follows the administration’s recent announcement that... Read more »

Nonpartisan Budget Expert: Rising Health Care Costs Continue to Pressure Federal Budget

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According to Speaker Pelosi’s office, ObamaCare will ensure all Americans “have access to quality, affordable health care and significantly reduce long-term health care costs.” One has to ask how the Speaker’s office came to that conclusion, because according to a recent presentation by the director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, ObamaCare does very little to reduce the pressure r... Read more »

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