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Standing Up for Startups

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

The opportunity for hardworking men and women to take a risk, start their own business, and climb the economic ladder is an essential part of the American Dream. Unfortunately, that dream is slipping out of reach for many Americans. With small business creation at a 22 year low and economic growth hovering around an anemic 1 percent, our country desperately needs policies that empower entrepreneur... Read more »

#FlashbackFriday: NLRB Launches Attack on the American Dream

| Posted in Left Turns

July 29, 2014: That’s the day the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) escalated its attack on America’s small businesses and the workers they employ. That’s right, two years ago today, NLRB General Counsel Richard Griffin determined McDonald’s Inc. and certain franchisees were “joint employers.” His unprecedented decision would advance a broader effort to overturn decades of settled labor polic... Read more »

Addressing America’s Skilled Worker Shortage

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

While the American economy struggles through an anemic recovery, some in the manufacturing sector are dealing with another struggle: a shortage of high-skilled workers to fill the jobs that are available. This issue, commonly referred to as the “skills gap,” has made it difficult for many manufacturers to hire more workers and grow their businesses. In fact, the Associated Equipment Distributors (... Read more »

Adding Fuel to the Fire

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College affordability is increasingly on the minds of more and more Americans—particularly with students preparing to head off to college and a national election on the horizon. Unfortunately, as college costs continue to rise, one “solution” being discussed would only add fuel to the fire. According to research from the American Action Forum, expansions in federal tuition subsidies have been the ... Read more »

Changing the Game in American Education with CTE

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 5587) continues to gain positive reaction from education leaders and job creators. Introduced by Reps. Glenn “GT” Thompson (R-PA) and Katherine Clark (D-MA), the bill will help more students acquire the skills they need to succeed in today’s workforce by improving federal support for career and technical education. Sta... Read more »

“Obamacare Is Unraveling”

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We’re now six years into the government takeover of health care, and the president’s unworkable health care law continues to unravel and create more hardship for working families. Stories across the country serve as a painful daily reminder of the broken promises surrounding this failed law. Promise: “This legislation will also lower costs for families and for businesses …” – President Obama Reali... Read more »

NLRB: Destroying Opportunity Since 2009

| Posted in Left Turns

The Obama National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is always finding new ways to make it harder for workers to succeed. In recent years, there have been “ambush” elections and job-destroying micro-unions, diktats to private businesses on where to create jobs, and restrictions on the right to secret ballot elections. We could go on, and sadly, it looks like the NLRB is just getting warmed up. This wee... Read more »

Strengthening CTE: What They’re Saying

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Helping Americans succeed in today’s workforce is a leading priority for members on the Education and the Workforce Committee, and the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (H.R. 5587) is an important part of that effort. The legislation will help individuals—particularly younger individuals—obtain the knowledge and skills they need to compete for good-paying jobs. ... Read more »

Succeeding in the 21st Century Workforce

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Quality education and training are essential to competing in today’s workforce. For decades, career and technical education (CTE) has helped prepare students like Paul Tse to do just that. Tomorrow, the committee will take action to help more Americans obtain the knowledge and skills they need to earn a lifetime of success. Here’s a quick recap of Paul’s story and why the committee’s effort this w... Read more »

What They’re Saying: Real-World Consequences of DOL’s Overtime Rule

| Posted in Left Turns

While families continue to struggle under an anemic economy, the Obama administration continues to advance the same-old failed policies that are holding workers and small businesses back. The latest example? An overtime rule the Department of Labor promises will cure years of stagnant wages that continue to hurt working families. Instead of addressing the underlying causes of slow job growth and a... Read more »

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