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Empowering Students Through Enhanced Financial Counseling Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM Across the country, tuition costs continue to go up and the job prospects many graduates face remain bleak. It has never been more critical for individuals to make responsible choices regarding how to pay for their postsecondary education. Unfortunately, many students are simply not equipped to make sound financial choices about their college careers. It’s not surprising considering t... Read more »

Strengthening Transparency in Higher Education Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: Despite repeated attempts to enhance transparency in the higher education system, students and families still struggle to access important information that will assist in their search for the right college or university. The federal government provides financial assistance for millions of students to use at the institution of their choice. Yet students and families face a deluge of d... Read more »

Simplifying the Application for Student Aid Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: For many students and families, federal financial aid makes a postsecondary education possible. The time when a family begins the process of applying for financial aid is critical to ensuring students access the full range of assistance available to them. Unfortunately, the current process is not serving the best interests of students and families. A student’s application process sta... Read more »

Support Grows for Job Training Agreement

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Backing for the bipartisan, bicameral Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) continues to grow. Key stakeholders in the nation’s job training system praise the proposal, which reforms the outdated policies by eliminating redundant programs, increasing flexibility to local workforce development leaders, and providing job-creators a greater role in ensuring workers learn the skills needed i... Read more »

Safeguarding Classrooms Hurt by ObamaCare’s Obligatory Levies (SCHOOL) Act

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: Across the country, workers and job creators are struggling with the consequences of the president’s government-run health care scheme. Higher costs, fewer hours of work, and loss of existing health insurance continue to threaten the health and income security of working families. However, these problems plague not only America’s workplaces, but our classrooms as well. Last year the ... Read more »

Schools and Colleges Continue to Struggle under ObamaCare’s Burdensome Mandates

| Posted in Left Turns

It’s no secret the president’s health care law is making life difficult for working families. Many of the ObamaCare problems plaguing the nation’s workplaces – lower wages, loss of existing coverage, higher costs – are emerging in classrooms across the country as well. To learn more about the consequences of the health care law on the nation’s schools and students, the Education and the Workforce ... Read more »

Bipartisan Coalition of Members Ask Secretary Duncan to Drop Gainful Employment Regulation

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Secretary Duncan: Given the significant investment of taxpayer resources in postsecondary education, the federal government has an obligation to monitor higher education institutions that participate in federal student aid programs. While we share the goal of promoting accountability and integrity among these institutions, we are deeply concerned about several provisions included in the late... Read more »

Committee Leaders Seek Clarity on Servicemembers Civil Relief Act Requirements

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Dear Attorney General Holder: In recent months, some federal student loan servicers have been scrutinized by the departments of Justice (DOJ) and Defense (DOD), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) for allegedly violating the ​Servicemembers Civil Relief Act ​(SCRA). As you know, under the SCRA the interest rate on federal and priva... Read more »

Members Urge Appropriations Committee to Prohibit Gainful Employment Regulation

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Chairmen Rogers and Kingston and Ranking Members Lowey and DeLauro: As you develop the fiscal year 2015 ​Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations Act​​, we urge you to include in the base bill a bipartisan provision that prohibits the Department of Education from promulgating the final gainful employment regulation. The troublesome regulation currently under development... Read more »

What They’re Saying: Education Stakeholders Express Support for Bipartisan Charter School Bill

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Education and community leaders are voicing support for the Success and Opportunity through Quality Charter Schools Act (H.R. 10), bipartisan legislation to support charter school growth that is expected to be considered by the House this week. Stakeholders praise the legislation for bolstering local charter school initiatives, aiding the expansion and replication of quality charter school models,... Read more »

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