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Committee Leaders Request Update on Overdue Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Reports

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Secretary Sebelius: The recent Special Investigative Counsel report on The Pennsylvania State University scandal has raised serious concerns among members of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce about the adequacy of federal child abuse prevention laws. As you know, the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, also known as CAPTA, is the foremost federal law governing child ab... Read more »

Bipartisan Coalition of Members Urge Administration to Freeze “Gainful Employment” Implementation

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Secretary Duncan, In light of the recent ruling on measures of gainful employment issued by the US District Court for the District of Columbia, we write to extend an offer of cooperation. In our opinion, we see this judgment as an opportunity for the Department and Congress to work together on ways to best provide information to students, their families and our workforce about postsecondary ... Read more »

Committee Leaders Request Information on DOL's Regulatory Agenda

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Administrator Sunstein: The Committee on Education and the Workforce is focused on supporting the nation's workforce and advancing policies that will help strengthen our economy. As part of this effort, the committee has conducted robust oversight to ensure federal agencies are held accountable for regulations that undermine innovation, job creation, and American competitiveness. The Regulat... Read more »

Putting America Back to Work: Helping Unemployed Workers Gain Valuable Skills, Fill Local Jobs

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

For the nearly 13 million unemployed Americans, finding work is a full time job with little reward – but it doesn’t have to be this way. Decades ago, the federal government put in place a job training system designed to provide valuable services and support to struggling workers. Unfortunately, the system has become inefficient after years of neglect. On behalf of the nation’s workers, House Repub... Read more »

ObamaCare Bad for Job Creators and Workers

| Posted in Left Turns

Today the U.S. Supreme Court released its much awaited ruling on the 2010 health care law. Unfortunately, the court’s decision leaves in place a costly and unworkable health care scheme that continues to hurt families, workers, and job creators. Employers play a central role in the nation’s health care system. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 58 percent of workers have health insurance t... Read more »

Obama Policies Stunting Job Growth, Stalling Economic Recovery

| Posted in Left Turns

The Bureau of Labor Statistics this week reported a significant drop in job openings, indicating America’s employers are hesitant to invest in and expand their businesses. Adding insult to injury, economists at Stanford University and the University of Chicago released a new chart on Tuesday showing economic uncertainty has shot up in recent months, a trend these economists have previously noted m... Read more »

Obama NLRB Won’t Take No for an Answer

| Posted in Left Turns

Despite President Obama’s erroneous claim “the private sector is doing fine,” the American people aren’t buying it. Washington’s regulatory onslaught has forced many job-creators to sit on the sidelines, and as a result, the nation has experienced 40 straight months of unemployment above 8 percent and millions are searching for work. A notorious example of the regulatory hurdles facing employers i... Read more »

Part III: Despite False Rhetoric, Job Training Reforms Beneficial to Workers, Employers, and Taxpayers

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

The House Education and the Workforce Committee is currently considering comprehensive reforms to the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 (H.R. 4297) advances commonsense changes to federal job training assistance by eliminating dozens of ineffective and redundant programs, strengthening the role of employers, promoting new tools that will help c... Read more »

Part II: Despite False Rhetoric, Job Training Reforms Beneficial to Workers, Employers, and Taxpayers

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

The House Education and the Workforce Committee is currently considering comprehensive reforms to the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 (H.R. 4297) advances commonsense changes to federal job training assistance by eliminating dozens of ineffective and redundant programs, strengthening the role of employers, promoting new tools that will help c... Read more »

Part I: Despite False Rhetoric, Job Training Reforms Beneficial to Workers, Employers, and Taxpayers

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Today the House Education and the Workforce Committee is set to consider comprehensive reforms to the nation’s workforce development system. The Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 advances commonsense changes to federal job training assistance by eliminating dozens of ineffective and redundant programs, strengthening the role of employers, promoting new tools that will help close the ski... Read more »

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