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Obama Economy Gets a Failing Grade; Half of College Graduates Can’t Find Work

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After delivering speeches at the University of North Carolina and the University of Colorado yesterday, President Obama heads to the University of Iowa today to rally the youth vote and promote his proposal to enact a one-year freeze on Stafford Loan interest rates. Missing from the speeches and politicking is the fact that the president’s disastrous economic policies have left 1 out of every 2 co... Read more »

Obama Advisor Admits: No Plan to Pay for Stafford Loan Interest Rate Freeze

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One of President Obama’s leading domestic policy advisers admits the president has yet to figure out a way to afford the $6 billion price tag on a one-year Stafford Loan interest rate freeze, stating, “That really isn’t the issue.” On NPR’s Diane Rehm Show yesterday, host Susan Page pressed Domestic Policy Council Deputy Director Mark Zuckerman for answers on the president’s claim a temporary exte... Read more »

Despite Widespread Complaints, Obama Administration Refuses to Acknowledge Direct Loan Problems

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In recent months, a growing number of student loan borrowers and institution leaders have stepped forward to voice complaints about the federal government’s implementation of the Direct Loan Program, which oversees and originates every new federal higher education loan in the country. According to an article in Wednesday’s Inside Higher Ed, “Persistent problems have plagued the Education Departmen... Read more »

Republicans Leading the Way on Responsible Job Training Reform

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

This week, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce examined the Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 (H.R. 4297), important job training reform legislation introduced by Reps. Virginia Foxx (R-NC), Buck McKeon (R-CA), and Joe Heck (R-NV). As Chairman John Kline (R-MN) noted, the bill will create a “more dynamic, effective, and accountable workforce development system.” In the vi... Read more »

Which Job Training "Intiative" Does the President Plan to Address?

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President Obama is in Ohio today to “highlight his Administration’s job training initiatives.” No doubt the people of the Buckeye State will be asking: Just what is the president promoting this time? There are a number of “initiatives” to choose from: Initiative A: The 2011 so-called American Jobs Act plan, which demands two more programs and $9 billion in new spending be added to the more than 47... Read more »

Kline Seeks Investigation of Possible Prohibited Communications at NLRB

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Inspector General Berry: I respectfully ask you to commence an investigation to determine whether Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon or his staff made any prohibited ex parte communications regarding the Boeing case, 19-CA-32431. Any such allegation must be investigated to ensure parties’ rights are protected. As you know, 29 CFR 102.126 prohibits an interested person outside this agency fr... Read more »

New Report Confirms ObamaCare Leads to Higher Deficits and More Government Spending

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Just moments before President Obama signed into law his government takeover of health care, he promised: “This legislation will also lower costs… for the federal government, reducing our deficit by over $1 trillion in the next two decades. It is paid for. It is fiscally responsible.” Not so says a new report released this morning by George Mason University’s Mercatus Center. According to an analys... Read more »

H.R. 4297, the Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012

| Posted in Fact Sheets

THE PROBLEM: The federal government administers roughly 47 job training programs across nine agencies. Many of these programs overlap, and few have been evaluated for efficacy. This unwieldy system makes it more difficult for workers to access important job skills and assistance, and fails employers who seek a highly trained workforce. During his 2012 State of the Union address, President Obama r... Read more »

By the Numbers: The Secretary of Education's Startling Record of Executive Overreach

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Yesterday, Education Secretary Arne Duncan testified before the House Committee on Education and the Workforce on the president’s budget and policy proposals for Fiscal Year 2013. Since assuming his position in the president’s cabinet in January 2009, Secretary Duncan has proven to be an active and visible member of the administration. However, a look at some of the numbers defining his tenure in ... Read more »

Rhetoric vs. Reality: Education Priorities in the Administration's FY 2013 Budget

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On Wednesday, Education Secretary Arne Duncan will testify before the U.S. House Committee on Education and the Workforce on the president’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget request for the Department of Education. If the secretary’s recent appearance in front of the House Appropriations Committee is any indication, we can expect to hear a lot of rhetoric on the administration’s preferred education policie... Read more »

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