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Committee Leaders Address Incomplete Response from DOL's on Proposed Fiduciary Regulation

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Assistant Secretary Borzi: On November 18, 2011, we wrote to you concerning the U.S Department of Labor's (DOL) regulatory efforts to significantly expand the definition of "fiduciary" under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). On December 13, 2011, Brian V. Kennedy, Assistant Secretary for the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, responded to our in... Read more »

President Revives Failed Campaign Promises on Student Loan Interest Rates

| Posted in Left Turns

During the State of the Union address, President Obama called on Congress to prevent an increase in student loan interest rates from hitting students, stating, “At a time when Americans owe more in tuition debt than credit card debt, this Congress needs to stop the interest rates on student loans from doubling in July.” While we all agree on the importance of keeping college affordable and providi... Read more »

Rhetoric vs. Action: State of the Union Promises and the House Republican Agenda

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Last night, President Obama laid out his vision for the country in his State of the Union address. While many of the plans and promises sounded oddly familiar, House Republicans have been working for months to turn the president’s rhetoric into action on behalf of students, workers, and employers. Strengthening Job Training Assistance President’s Rhetoric: “And I want to cut through the maze of co... Read more »

Supporting School Choice Year-Round

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

January 22 marked the start of National School Choice Week – a week to celebrate education options for all students. School choice is an important principle that has received bipartisan support in Washington for years. For children who are trapped in under-performing public schools, the opportunity to attend a better school can open doors to new opportunities not only in education, but also in the... Read more »

State of the Union Preview: Where Are the Jobs?

| Posted in Left Turns

As President Obama prepares to deliver his latest State of the Union address, he and his advisers are no doubt spending a great deal of time trying to find the right words to explain his abysmal record on the economy. The president has proven he can deliver a great speech, but he continues to disappoint on the issue that matters most: Jobs. Despite what we may hear tomorrow night, a close look at ... Read more »

State of the Union Preview: A Backdoor Education Agenda

| Posted in Left Turns

As President Obama prepares to deliver his latest State of the Union address, the administration is working at a fever pitch to put the final pieces of its backdoor education agenda in place. On Tuesday, the American people are sure to hear the president wax poetically about his efforts to bolster K-12 education, provide relief to states struggling under No Child Left Behind, and grant reprieve to... Read more »

House Republicans Agree: “We Can’t Wait” For K-12 Education Reform – So We’re Taking Action

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

President Obama has hit the campaign trail with full force in recent months, and the slogan du jour for the entire administration seems to be “We Can’t Wait.” U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has tied the phrase to education reform in speeches across the country in recent months, asserting over and over that the American people can’t wait for Congress to rewrite elementary and secondary edu... Read more »

New Education Proposals Raise the Bar for Schools and Students

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

When No Child Left Behind was signed into law 10 years ago, it was heralded as a game changer for education policy. It was certainly a strong step forward, but it has become clear the law is in need of urgent reform. Recognizing the shortfalls under current law, many states are taking matters into their own hands. At the behest of parents, teachers, and principals, reform-minded individuals are wo... Read more »

Kline Continues to Press Secretary Duncan for Details on Student Loan Proposal

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Secretary Duncan: On October 27, 2011, the Committee on Education and the Workforce sent you a letter regarding the President's intention to unilaterally alter federal policies governing federal student loans. Your November 18 reply failed to provide adequate responses to the majority of the questions posed. To gain a better understanding of the provisions included in the President's student... Read more »

House Republicans Take Steps to Streamline Federal Bureaucracy

| Posted in Moving in the Right Direction

Last week, President Obama announced plans to streamline the federal government, starting with the consolidation of six federal agencies with overlapping authorities over business and trade. The president specifically asked for enhanced executive power to implement further “reforms that result in more efficiency, better service, and a leaner government.” Instead of announcing unilateral action to ... Read more »

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