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Dear Colleague: National School Leaders Do Not Support the Child Nutrition Bill (S. 3307)

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Colleague, As the House prepares to vote this week on legislation to significantly expand the cost and federal mandates associated with child nutrition programs, I urge you to consider the concerns raised by school leaders in the following letter sent to Congress. The nation’s public school districts, represented by the American Association of School Administrators, Council of the Great City... Read more »

S. 3307, the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

| Posted in Fact Sheets

Taxpayers are spending billions of dollars each year to combat child hunger and improve the health and wellness of needy children and families. Rather than extending and improving current programs, Democrats have proposed legislation (S. 3307) to dramatically expand the number and scope of federal meal programs – adding billions in new spending, layers of new government mandates, and heavy burdens... Read more »

Dear Colleague: Former Education Secretary: Access to Higher Education Will Spur Economic Recovery

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Dear Colleague: With nearly 15 million Americans unemployed and looking for work, we should be doing all we can to help job-seekers get the skills, training, and credentials they need to re-enter the workforce. Unfortunately, regulations proposed by the U.S. Department of Education threaten to reduce postsecondary options for students by restricting access to student aid at certain institutions. ... Read more »


| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

Last Friday, President Obama pledged to “keep on trying to stimulate growth and jobs” as long as he is in office. Unfortunately, his actions don’t square with his promise. Just yesterday the president reaffirmed his support for a job-killing card check scheme erroneously named the Employee Free Choice Act. Although the bill has languished under bipartisan opposition in Congress, the administration... Read more »

Letter to Education Secretary Arne Duncan

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Secretary Duncan: Given the significant investment of taxpayer resources in postsecondary education, the federal government has an obligation to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse in the student aid programs. One important way to protect the integrity of federal student aid is to ensure participating institutions provide a high-quality education to their students. Any institution misusing feder... Read more »

A Banner Day for Union Bosses

| Posted in Left Turns

Today is a very good day for powerful union leaders. Congress was summoned back into session – with great complexity and expense – to vote on a multi-billion dollar bailout for unionized state workers. At the same time, the Obama administration is preparing to rollback reporting requirements for union bosses because of the “burden” of “unnecessary government regulation.” The State Bailout: A Boon ... Read more »

Stop the Bailouts

| Posted in Fact Sheets

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has summoned House Members back to Washington for a rare August session. What pressing national priority justifies pulling Members back from their districts and constituents? It’s simple. Democrats want another bailout. Doubling Down on Failed Stimulus Democrats already inflated spending on state school systems by nearly $100 billion with their unpopular and ineffective ... Read more »

Obama Promises to Keep Up the Fight for Big Labor’s Job-Killing Card Check Scheme

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

Never one to give up on unpopular ideas, President Obama promised a gathering of the AFL-CIO he will stay in the fight to pass the so-called Employee Free Choice Act. Better known as card check, this undemocratic idea would strip workers of their right to a secret ballot when deciding whether to organize a union. “President Obama told the AFL-CIO on Wednesday that he would ‘keep on fighting’ to pa... Read more »

Letter to Education Secretary Arne Duncan

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Secretary Duncan: Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the proposed program integrity regulations included in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking published in the Federal Register on June 18, 2010. We share your goal of strengthening accountability and integrity among the institutions that participate in the federal student aid programs and agree a number of the issues included inthe p... Read more »

Will Obama Finally Listen to Small Businesses?

| Posted in Left Turns

President Obama traveled to New Jersey today to raise support for his economic policies among small business leaders. It makes sense to hear from small business owners about their ideas to promote a strong and stable economic recovery. After all, they are the nation’s primary source for job creation. Let’s hope this time the president did less talking and more listening because a look at just a fe... Read more »

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