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H.R. 5663, the Miner Safety and Health Act of 2010

| Posted in Fact Sheets

On April 5, 2010, a massive underground explosion at Massey Energy’s Upper Big Branch mine in Montcoal, West Virginia tragically took the lives of 29 miners. Immediately, Congress recognized changes were needed to protect underground coal miners – toughening and modernizing mine safety laws, and holding federal regulators and inspectors accountable for enforcing those laws. Democrats Put Speed Ahe... Read more »

Will House Democrats Continue to Delay Troop Support in the Name of Government Bailouts?

| Posted in Left Turns

The head of President Obama’s “fiscal responsibility” commission recently made headlines for stating the obvious: the nation’s $13 trillion (and counting) in debt is a “cancer” on our country. Erskine Bowles, commission co-chair and former White House Chief of Staff for President Clinton, called for solutions to our debt crisis that address spending, saying, “I just want to see the vast majority c... Read more »

Lame Duck Card Check?

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

If it looks like time is running out on the Democrats’ reckless agenda – look again. With only three weeks of legislative work remaining before Congress starts six weeks of vacation, it may appear the prospects for passing further job-killing policies like card check legislation are growing dimmer by the day. But according to a report by the Wall Street Journal, Democrats are planning an “ambitiou... Read more »

Kline Letter to Assistant Secretary of Labor for Mine Safety and Health

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Assistant Secretary Main: I was troubled to learn of an Alert Memorandum recently submitted to you by Department of Labor Assistant Inspector General Elliot P. Lewis regarding the Mine Safety and Health Administration’s (“MSHA”) failure to fully enforce the Pattern of Violation (“POV”) provision of the Mine Act. The POV provision is one of the most powerful mine safety enforcement tools prov... Read more »

Another Day, Another Report of Rising Costs Under ObamaCare

| Posted in Left Turns

More than a year ago, President Obama declared national health care spending had placed the country “on an unsustainable course that threatens the financial stability of families, businesses and government itself.” The president described health care reform as a “necessity that cannot wait.” Despite overwhelming public opposition, Democrats forced their government takeover of health care through C... Read more »

Kline Letter to Department of Labor Acting Inspector General

| Posted in Correspondence

Dear Mr. Petrole: Thank you for providing a briefing to my staff regarding the June 23, 2010 Alert Memorandum issued by your office to Assistant Secretary for Mine Safety and Health Joseph A. Main. The Alert Memorandum raises serious concerns regarding the Mine Safety and Health Administration’s (“MSHA”) enforcement of the Pattern of Violation (“POV”) provision of the Mine Act during the past yea... Read more »

Democrats Don’t Have Time to Pass a Budget...

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

This week, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) finally admitted what was obvious to most Americans: for the first time since modern budget rules were enacted in 1974 Democrats in Congress will not pass a budget for the next fiscal year. This failure of leadership could not come at a worse possible time: without clarity on how Democrats plan to get our fiscal house in order, families and small... Read more »

ObamaCare: “Historic” Record of Broken Promises

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Three months ago, President Obama signed into law the Democrats’ government takeover of health care. The president has described it as “historic” reform, yet in the early months of its implementation, the most notable feature of the law is the long line of broken promises left in its wake. Broken Promise: Will Reduce Costs Reality: Health Care Costs Continue to Rise Americans understand the curren... Read more »

Culture of Union Favoritism Protects Big Labor From Obama’s Latest Broken Health Care Promise

| Posted in Left Turns

Almost one year ago President Obama declared: “…no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you'll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.” It was a bold promise, but one that evidently did not apply eq... Read more »

What the Administration’s Medicare Mailer Didn’t Say: ObamaCare Will Force Seniors to Pay More for Less

| Posted in Left Turns

The New York Times reports today, “President Obama and his allies, concerned about deep skepticism over his landmark health care overhaul, are orchestrating an elaborate campaign to sell the public on the law…” So tomorrow, President Obama will visit Wheaton, Maryland, in an attempt to sell seniors on his government-run health care scheme. This follows the administration’s recent announcement that... Read more »

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