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States Standing Up Against Taxpayer Funding of Abortion in ObamaCare

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At the historic White House health care summit, Republican Leader John Boehner made it clear that ObamaCare would lead to taxpayer funding of abortion. In response, Speaker Pelosi declared “there is no public funding of abortion” in the bills that would become law. Despite Speaker Pelosi’s bold assurance, some states aren’t convinced. According to Newsweek, the health care fight on Capitol Hill ma... Read more »

Will Obama’s Labor Board Appointee Impose Policies “Too Radical” for Congressional Approval?

| Posted in Secret Ballot Watch

President Barack Obama’s decision to install controversial union lawyer Craig Becker to the National Labor Relations Board has come under fire in recent days, and it’s not just because a recess appointment was used to circumvent bipartisan Senate opposition. As an essay in today’s Boston Globe explains, the outcry surrounding Becker’s placement on the NLRB is rooted in concerns about his radical v... Read more »

ObamaCare Breaks Promise of Lower Health Care Premiums for Young Adults

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During the 2008 campaign, President Obama promised the American people health care reform that would lead to “fair and stable premiums.” In fact, then-candidate Obama promised voters his plan would “bring down costs for the entire country.” The Congressional Budget Office has already dispelled this myth for young adults. And a new analysis reported by the Associated Press confirms a disturbing rea... Read more »

Supporters of ObamaCare Admit Taxpayer Money “Not Going to Last Very Long”

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Speaker Pelosi believes her government takeover of health care is the “best action” we can take “on behalf of the federal budget,” and President Obama has promised government-run health care will reduce future deficits. However, even the supporters of ObamaCare acknowledge taxpayers will face greater costs than expected. “Provisions of the health-care law that expand benefits for home-bound elderl... Read more »

Will the Culture of Union Favoritism Transform the National Labor Relations Board?

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As if a spot on the president’s deficit cutting commission weren’t enough, union bosses at the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) might receive an even greater expression of the president’s gratitude – a recess appointment of one of their top lawyers to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). It has been reported that President Obama may use this Easter holiday to install Craig Becker... Read more »

“New Direction” Leads to Massive Job Losses

| Posted in Left Turns

Since taking control of Congress in January 2007, the Democrat leadership has advanced an agenda that has proven devastating to working families. Speaker Pelosi promised a “new direction,” but the American people weren’t prepared for the more than 7.5 million jobs that would be lost along the way. Below are just a few ways that the Democrat agenda is bad for American workers. 1. Increasing the reg... Read more »

Democrats Siphon Billions in College Aid to Pay for Government Takeover of Health Care

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The Congressional Budget Office confirms today that congressional Democrats plan to divert $9 billion in college financial aid funding to help pay for a massively unpopular government takeover of health care. This revelation is the latest in an unfolding story about the Democrats’ unrelenting push to expand the size and scope of government – taking control of how Americans get medical care and now... Read more »

Ten Things Every American Should Know About the Government Takeover of Student Loans

| Posted in Fact Sheets

The American public is all too familiar with Democrats’ recent vote to impose a wildly unpopular health care scheme comprised of thousands of pages of legalese, millions of lost jobs, billions of dollars in new taxes, and roughly a trillion dollars in new government spending. Yet unbeknownst to many Americans, the health care “fix” bill (budget reconciliation) will also dramatically reshape the wa... Read more »

Obama Administration Opens Another Back Door to the Culture of Union Favoritism

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Numerous media outlets have recently reported the White House is looking for ways to isolate and deny government contracts for businesses that do not abide by a yet-to-be-defined new regime of wage and benefit requirements. At a time when millions of Americans are out of work and the nation’s debt continues to explode, this would seem an inopportune time to start adding costly new regulations to o... Read more »

The Culture of Union Favoritism Continues

| Posted in Left Turns

As if there were any doubt about how prominent a role Democrats’ favorite special interest group plays these days in Washington, D.C., a pair of news items out today reaffirms the oversized clout of union bosses. The White House blogs today that the first annual report of the Middle Class Task Force is out. Not surprisingly, union expansion is a major theme, with special attention paid to the so-c... Read more »

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